Eyelid Upper Up Down problem

Issue #193 closed
John Garrison created an issue

I don’t know if this is a bug or not, because it happens with every possible way of exporting out of Daz. The Eyelids Upper Up Down morphs don’t move the eyelids all the way down. They barely move them at all. Are they maybe controlled by a bone in Daz? I’d really like to have these as morph targets. Ideally, it would be the combined morph that controls them both to save the step of merging them, but that doesn’t import at all.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There is something wrong with the assignment of bone axes for the eyelid bones. The X and Z axes in the Limit Rotation constraints have been mixed up, so X rotation is limited to +- 5 degrees. For the time being, the problem can be avoided if the character is imported with Rotation Limits unchecked.

    Something else seems to be wrong too, because the Upper Up Down slider does not show up, only the left and right submorphs.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should be fixed now. The problem was not that the axes were mixed up, but that the Z rotation limits were flipped: between -5 and +50 rather than -50 and +5 degrees. The other issue remains, though.

  3. engetudouiti

    I see why It not cause problem when I test with G3,, I simply use G3 facial controller with add facial bones poseable mode.

    So limit rotation only matter when I manually posing each eyelids bone. (Ctrl only move drv bones, then you seems not set bone constrain rotaiton for drv bones. (I hope keep it ,, maybe it seems too complex to add constrain for all drv bones ^^;)

  4. engetudouiti

    And just to confirm, (If Thomas need), the eyelids bone move down (to close), when we use plus rotation in daz studio. but in blender current set up work inverse.

    I know we can not avoid this issue.. if we add more 180 roll for eyelids bones, next time, the real main pose direction (with daz rig local rule), side to side may work reverse.

    Maybe it may cause a few un-expected issue, ,, (eg when import pose preset which record the morph value to plus rotation, it may work reverse without Some special table offered),

    Though I do not know if Thomas already include those inverse rotation for each rig or not..

    (it is small thing, then I basically not import pose which include morph value)

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