Things of Diffeomorphic that makes me confuse and suggestions.

Issue #1933 invalid
Eka Juan created an issue

Limits settings are confusing

Options to limit bones are located in several places.
They are confusing me because as a user,
I’m not sure which settings influence what.
For example:
In Global settings, there are options for enable/disable Location Limits and Rotation Limits.
They influence which rig? Simple IK, MHX, Rigify, Meta? Are they for IK or FK bones?
Meanwhile, MHX already has its own limits settings on MHX panel > Properties.
Or are they for simple IK? But Simple IK already has its own settings in DAZ runtime.

(I haven’t tried the other rig)
Why the redundancies?

When using MHX rig, after we transfer IK to FK, do we still need to Bake Pose to FK rig?
Furthermore Simple rig has it’s own steps of baking.

It confuses me, and takes a while to figure things out.

I would suggest one button to bake any rig to prepare for the pose preset.

Why not combine all the rig options in one panel.
MHX rig has its own panel.
Why not the rest of the rig?
Or why not just combine them all in one panel, and which rig is enabled, show the options and hide the rest.

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