G9 Morphs don't clear after merging of geografts

Issue #1934 resolved
GeneralProtectionFault created an issue

Blender 4.0.2

DAZ 4.22


Steps to reproduce:

Took a G9 female w/ golden palace (applied w/ addons - Golden Palace Smart Wild then material copy). Exported to Blender. In Blender, Easy Import => import FACS (as an example). Set a morph (I did jaw open to make it unmistakable), then click the 'X' button to clear morphs. This works.

Now, merge the Golden Palace shell and repeat. The 'X' no longer clears the morph(s).

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes I can reproduce the issue here, clear morphs doesn’t work with merged geografts.


    1. import G9 with a geograft and FACS
    2. merge geografts
    3. try to use “clear morphs“, it doesn’t work

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Actually, the bug didn’t have anything to do with geografts. The clear morphs buttons didn’t work right if a mesh was selected rather than the rig. I don’t remember why I did it like that, but it is confusing, especially since the set morphs button above did work.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The reason for the strange behavior was that I wanted to clear morphs for several characters at once. This doesn’t make much sense for the X buttons in the Morph panel, but the the same code is used by the Clear Morphs button in the Posing panel. In the last commit works both with multiple characters and the mesh selected.

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