Can no longer transfer vertex groups from character mesh to clothing (need non-conforming option like shapekeys?)

Issue #1955 resolved
Jasper29 created an issue

Blender 4.0.2, Diffeo v1.7.4.2039

Tried setting up clothing manually like I normally do and now ‘transfer vertex groups’ throws an error:

^sorry for cropping out the last line

Steps to recreate (using G8F):

1: Import G8F model from DAZ using Easy Import.

2: Import any clothing from DAZ using Easy Import.

3: Pose/ Edit clothing to fit mesh (Clear transforms if need to scale for fit).

4: Select clothing then select character armature, go to corrections panel, select change armature.

5: Select clothing mesh then character mesh and select ‘transfer vertex groups’ in advanced/mesh panel. (Error occurs).

NOTE: As well as throwing an error with transferring vertex groups, I noticed even selecting the clothing, then character and transferring shapekeys also throws a similar error, although I believe this is normal now after the newest Diffeo update, and selecting ‘non-conforming meshes’ when transferring fixes it. Just mentioning it because it is a new workflow for clothing (extra button click because it is off by default).

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