Changing Outfits Issues

Issue #1966 resolved
Andrew Austin created an issue

I'm trying to follow the 'changing outfits' guide at However, I've encountered a few problems, which may be bugs.

First, the 'Change Armature' button doesn't provide a 'Rig' selection box, so there appears to be no way to retarget an armature.

Second, while I was able to successfully follow the second (manual merge) method to change the armature for the first set of clothing, it didn't work correctly for the second set of clothing. After the 'Copy Pose' step (where the armatures aligned correctly), the 'Apply Rest Pose' step causes the mesh to jump back to the rest post from the first set of clothing. (However: hair, lashes, eyes and tears all stayed in the correct position, though the mouth did not.)

I don't have a sufficient understanding of Blender or this addon to troubleshoot much further. Let me know if there's more information I can provide or if you're not able to reproduce the problem. Thanks.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The docs in the wiki is more up-to-date that that blog post, see

    This is my own workflow for adding new clothes to existing characters:

    1. Import and finish the nude character.
    2. Import the dressed character.
    3. Copy pose from dressed to nude if the rest poses differ, e.g. because of high heels. Dressed rig active, nude rig selected.
    4. Apply rest pose to nude rig.
    5. Change armature. All clothes selected, nude rig active.

    In the last step, the clothes don’t have to be meshes, but can be empties or armatures too. That might happen e.g. for earrings. Bone parented objects are parented to the same bone of the new rig, and the armature modifier is changed for meshes.

  2. Andrew Austin reporter

    Thanks for getting back to me. I was able to get your workflow to work using 'Change Armature'. It may be beneficial to update the wiki to reflect that the "rig" selection is missing and that the desired armature should be the active selection?

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