Is there a way to import new shoes for MHX character?

Issue #1970 closed
Davi created an issue

Is there a way to import new shoes for MHX character, and work like daz?

Right now we are making a shape key for the foot.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In principle you can do this:

    1. Import character with new shoes.
    2. Convert to MHX (to change vertex group names).
    3. With shoe mesh selected and the original mhx rig active, Setup > Change Armature.
    4. Delete everything that you imported in step 1 except the shoes.

    However, if the shoes come with a foot pose (high heels), it is not so easy. Between steps 2 and 3, you can use two other tools in the Setup panel:

    1. Copy Pose from new rig to old rig.
    2. Apply Rest Pose.

    This is in fact what I do all the time when I add new outfits to an old character. However, I do that with the original genesis rigs, and convert to mhx afterwards. The copy pose tool doesn’t seem to work correctly for IK. So what I would do instead is

    1. Put both old and new rig in FK.
    2. Copy Pose from new rig to old rig.
    3. Snap IK bones for old rig.
    4. Apply Rest Pose.

    I tried this and it sort of works, but IK for the legs didn’t behave well.

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