Converting to MHX deletes custom drivers from shape keys

Issue #1978 resolved
Jake created an issue

I’ve got some objects linked to shape keys with custom drivers, which control them with either general XYZ movement or scaling.

Noticed that after converting the armature to MHX, all of those drivers just get outright removed and also the affected shape keys get muted as well.

Tested it on both my finished scene and a brand new scene with some random shape key I sculpted and a control object that drives that shape key. In both instances, the driven shape key gets muted and the driver removed.

Note, on 1.7.3.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Mhx conversion removes corrupt drivers, e.g. shapekeys driven by properties that do not exist. However, I had forgotten to check that the driver variable type is a single property, and not some transform channel.

  2. Jake reporter

    Yeah I noticed that actually, but notice another issue there not present in 1.7.3, will make a thread.

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