Don't allow MHX to rename your custom bone collections?

Issue #1981 resolved
Jake created an issue

Right now MHX will wipe every bone collection you’ve made and create brand new ones. If you have added new bones and attached them to new collections, MHX will shove them in a collection called “Custom”. Same applies to geografts' bone collections, even if you named them.

Would be nice if it remembered the collections upon conversion.

I suppose this could be fixed by manually fixing them, but for my work flow, I don’t do much of any final adjustments to the rigged version of the armature, only to the unrigged version that can be converted to anything.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Now only the Bones and Hidden collections are removed, and user-defined collections are only hidden.

  2. Jake reporter

    Oh and I noticed that if you rename a geograft’s bone collection and merge it with the main armature, it will rename that to just “Custom”.

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