Rigi-fy thigh_ik_target.L and thigh_ik_target.R flliped in edit mode (or zero pose)

Issue #199 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

As SC discribed, after generate rigi-fy, and toggle to pole for legs IK, then set zero pose, or check in edit mode,

Both thigh_ik_target.L and thigh_ik_target.R seems exchanged each position.

I could confirm, when I generate default Rigi-fy rig (not daz meta-rig) and compare these 2 bones in edit mode.

So if we toggle as “pole target”, then set zero pose, figure change their rest pose.. (Knee face to opositte mirror direction)

It seems not caused by bone rig-type option. (I hope it happend to locate as opositte, in process to convert meta-rig)

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    So is there something wrong with the metarig? Going from the metarig to rigify is done by the rigify addon, so this seems to be their problem. If you add a metarig manually, do you have the same problem?

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    No I do not think meta-rig is wrong. I always add metarig , then generate rigi-fy . Then it show same issue.

    I asked you to change option from “auto” to “manuall X”, for good IK posing for libs. then I may test, if it relate with this problem or not.

    (I test with default blender meta-rig, then generate rigi-fy with set same option, but it not cross the target R and L)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Case 1. when I set as “automate” for limb rig-type of thigh

    When convert to rigi-fy , those 2 bones already crossed. so it not change location with zero pose.

    (slightly change only about z value) but if I bend with IK, it show ugry pose. (both thigh cross)

    Case 2 when I set as “X manuall” (current default).

    it not cross. so do not see ugry defomation with pose. but these 2 bones already include location value. then when use clear transform,, it crooss and break current pose.

    If we keep current pole, then bend it work well., pose. (with or without pole) But if reset pose include Pole, it cross . (and will see same issue case 1 when bend)

    But if I toggle pole then use “Rotation”, now those 2 bone already include rotation value, so after all, when zero pose it change rest pose.

    I suppose it seems rigi-fy bug, or rigi-fy only work well when those bone local axis perfectly along to world axis. (automate or set manuall X seems no matter)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Though I hope to keep current way. (because I know how to “set rest pose”) and it may only happen when we toggle as pole.

    But if it not work well for others ,, You may need to change meta-rig thing bone roll with use “auto set bone roll” I suppose. (though I do not test it, because it not follow, real mesh topology anymore)

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Hm I could fix it, (but need to change bone roll)

    After generate meta-rig, in eidt mode > select thigh.L thigh.R shin.L shin.R.

    Then bpy.ops.armature.calculate_roll(type='GLOBAL_POS_Y')

    it now force roll along to gloval axis. then generate keep current default options.

    (I think it may work for most of case,, (though I do not like to tweak roll ^^;)

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Then if Thomas change meta-rig with use the bpy.ops.armature.calculate_roll(type='GLOBAL_POS_Y')

    I perfectly agree your decision. (as my opiniton for FK it is not good I think, when user mesh flow not face to the world axis, as my actor, their foot not so straight,, rotate some inner or outer (man and female, so I may prefer, change rest pose way. if I can)

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    (my request)😶

    If you forgive me, I hope to keep current roll, when user use generate meta-rig ^^;

    If those meta-rig bones already along to world axis by scripts, I can not use my work-flow. (I need manuall work)

    (so I hope, if you plan to Commits for this issue,, auto-generate way will use auto align to world axis about those 4 bones. (you must need to use “GLOBAL_POS_Y'“ not -Y or other axis.) )

    Though Best way is add one more options, which use the roll function ^^: when generate rigi-fy (or meta-rig) as same as you add auto align with check box , “Force to align roll along world axis” etc.

    I can not too many request so, it perfectly depend you, and I apreciate your choice of course 😅

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks. If there is case, we may better to use “set rest pose for the target bone only without change roll,” by other user report, I hope Thomas change way (after generate rig, use rest-pose only for the 2 pole bone. I think we need to switch pole first (rotate >> pole), then select the 2 pole and set rest pose.

    (I may temporally hide new commits function. and if manuall rest pose way cause another problem, (if it not actually solve issue) report again)

    I think actually current roll (not use gloval axis) should be best for most of pose. (it only cause problem to set pole by automate, so real perfect way is user re-arrange pole bone) or I suppose legs try to bend along with gloval (Object) X axis with IK knee bending and stretching exercises. pose. , even though their bone not arragend so.

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