Your translucent shader needs alpha

Issue #2006 resolved
Calibrator created an issue

Considering the majority of eyelashes and hairs in daz are made of hair cards you gotta absolutely include the alpha from the principled BSDF into the translucent shader, to avoid the issue in the pic that will hopefully be attached properly.

Comments (10)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    You may want to provide a link to the figure you’re using, so we can test the materials. I tried both G8 and G9 and usually translucency is not used for eyelashes, so that should be a “strange” figure. Then it may also be that the same issue is in daz studio, that is, translucency doesn’t get the alpha, in this case the conversion would be correct.

  2. Calibrator reporter

    Default G8.1 it seems. I also added a screenshot of the translucent node as it came in blender.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    bug. daz cutout opacity with extended principled. Yes I can confirm the bug. The issue is that, when we have a cutout opacity in daz studio, we plug it into the alpha channel of the principled node. This is good if the principled node is alone, but not good if there’s extended groups as specularity or translucency. The cutout opacity always needs to be last in the chain, with its own daz transparent group. BSDF already does that so the issue is limited to extended principled.

    note. For single principled it’s fine to plug the opacity in the alpha channel since there’s no extended groups.

    note. PBRSkin doesn’t get the cutout opacity, it is always full opaque, so this is limited to Uber.

    Test scene included g81-eyelashes.duf.


    1. import the test scene with extended principled

  4. Calibrator reporter

    Jesus… Daz never ceases to amaze me. Well all right, thanks, it can be closed.

    Edit: wait id you edit what you replied? I got an entirely different reply in my email and was replying to that.

    Since it seems like you're looking into it, can't you force it to always plug the alpha in both the principled bsdf and the translucent shader if there is one?

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes I explained the bug and the solution now it’s up to Thomas for the code when he gets some time.

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