Custom properties to Shape Keys ?

Issue #201 resolved
Mel Massadian created an issue

Hi Thomas,

I would like to export my shape keys from DAZ to Unity using Rigify to Unity

But it seems they aren’t part of any mesh? How are those shape keys driven and is there a straight forward way to export them.


Comments (8)

  1. engetudouiti

    I suppose those ctrl is not simple shape keys, but actually driver to rotate or transform bone.

    (most of face unit, or expression , are made so, some use mix shape keys)

    So to export it to another app, you need to re-create driver in the aprication.

    Then It is not bug or cirtical at all. 😅

    if you can confirm, you have same name shape keys, in your mesh, you may try to export those shape keys to unity. (I do not know how unity can export shape keys , but suppose there should be way)

    Then I remember thomas kindly offer tool, to convert those bone controller defaomation as simple shape keys, I remember, but have not used it. so you may need to read documents. (maybe it seems only way. or you need to check each driver function one by one for all driven bones^^; )

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    As for G3 G8 figures they don’t use shape keys for facial expressions, they use facial bones. So the G8 facial expressions are bone drivers. If you use G1 G2 they will have facial shape keys.

  3. Mel Massadian reporter

    Thanks to both, the strange thing is that if I export those morphs straight to FBX from DAZ I do have them in Unity, maybe DAZ is converting those bone driven shapes to shape keys (blend shapes) on export ?

  4. engetudouiti

    if you use official daz blender exporter, it seems convert all daz controller as morph shape keys.

    but this plug in not change it. (driver will be imported as driver, morph will be improted as morph(shape keys)

    But as you said, I suppose when we export as FBX from daz, they will be converted as simple morph . I remember when I export mesh as FBX from DAZ to reallusion i clone., it converted as vertex morph.

    Yes I know,, I hope to export all current morph and driver, and modifier for other game apricaiotn ^^;

    But I can not expect it. we need finance cloud to employ for unity, etc.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the Advanced Setup > Morphs section there is a button to Convert Standard Morphs To Shapekeys. After that you should be able to export shapekeys.

  6. Mel Massadian reporter

    Thanks a lot, I skipped that one for some reason….!

    It is working as expected for the morphs I need

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