"ik_back" bone of MHX rig is freefloating

Issue #2013 invalid
Jake created an issue

A bone called “ik_back” under the Root collection is parented to the master bone, which means when you pose a model, it remains static in the air. Should have it parented to the hip bone that is also in the Root bone collection.

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    That is as intended, this is not a bug, indeed the purpose is to keep the shoulders while you pose the hip. If there’s nothing to add please close as invalid.

  2. Jake reporter

    Yes, but if you move the body to the floor or far away, the ik back remains in the initial position always and it is a bit of an eye sore. I didn’t notice that the model would break in any way after I manually made it a child of the hip bone and then moved the body far away from the rest position.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    To pose the whole figure you use the master bone. Then if you don't want the ik spine you can uncheck it in the mhx options.

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