Certain Morphs/Shapekeys not working?

Issue #2028 invalid
John Smith1 created an issue

I’ve been having this problem for a while now, i don’t know if its the shapekeys themselves which break or something else going on with the armature but there’s strange times where the sliders for morphs just won’t work or don’t show up in the shapekeys list. i’m not sure what’s going on here if its a bug or maybe some kind of setting error? can anybody explain what this might be?

Comments (10)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    In recent commits Thomas was fixing #2011 that caused some problems with morphs. Now everything should be back to normal though it's a work in progress. If you don’t have exact steps to reproduce a specific issue we can close as invalid.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    As Alessandro said, some bugs were introduced recently, but they should be gone now. In the latest version the GP open vagina morphs work fine here.

  3. John Smith1 reporter

    well i’m using 1.7.3 so i’m not sure what else to do. is there anything i can look for to try and hone in on the issue? maybe a log or error file of somekind? i’d be able to maybe record and upload footage of me attempting to add the morphs and such but would it be ok for me to upload a youtube link or etc for reference?

  4. John Smith1 reporter

    wait i just checked i already have 1.7.4.. so i don’t know what’s going on. do i have to reimport the models from scratch, maybe its because they were imported from 1.7.3?

  5. John Smith1 reporter

    then again this model i’ve shared here was already imported using 1.7.4 so, now i’m really confused

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    You need to update to the latest, it’s the download repository on the left. Of course you need to reimport. Then if there’s issues report specific steps.

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