How to remove menus from DAZ and uninstall the diffeomorphic script?

Issue #2041 invalid
gfdgfdhdfghdgfh created an issue

Hello sirs I am in need of assistance. I am attempting to uninstall the diffeomorphic script - I have deleted the files I had placed into the Scripts directory and reinstalled DAZ studio. However, when I go into the File menu I still see the menus that were created for the Diffeomorphic scripts, such as “Export to Blender”. Is it possible to remove these? If so, I would greatly appreciate instructions on how to do so. Thank you very much!

Comments (2)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    This is not specific to this addon. In general it is not enough to reinstall daz studio to get rid of the user settings, since they are stored in separate files, that are not deleted when you reinstall.

    To modify the daz menus you use “window > workspace > customize”, as usual.

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