Simulate geografts merge

Issue #205 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

We have the option to merge geografts, but by doing so we are now unable to import morphs because the vertex amount has changed on that mesh. It would be nice to have a button that hides or deletes the vertex that collide with the geograft we want to merge, so there would be no problem with colliding vertex, and we can still be able to import morphs into our meshes.

Main issues are with genitalia:

Note: I don’t know if there’s already a way to do this in the current version.

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    The geograft morphs are to be imported before merging. That’s why merging is a separate step.

  2. Chuki Cicha reporter

    I know there are meant to be imported before merging, but what if I merge the anatomy, and a few weeks later I buy an addon that comes with new morphs, and I want to add them to my character, should I make the character in blender again? From the beginning?

  3. engetudouiti

    You can transfer morphs from original to merged figure, if you reamain the original meshes.

    with use Thomas offer option. it actually work well.

    (I remain both mesh only for the purpose)

    I understand what Chuki Cicha hope but, even though you hide those connected part (covered) poligons, with mask modifier, or hold out with shader,, the border still show clear when render with pose .

    The ugry border becom more clear when you apply sub-D. (For final render)

    If you cover those part by clothing after all you need not hide , if you hope nude render like me,

    you may hope to get clean render, then after all you may need to merge vertex.

  4. Chuki Cicha reporter

    I don't think there's a way to do this, so I would close the issue and let the problem be solved with creating another mesh, import the new morphs, and then transfer the shapekeys to the merged one.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    If you do heavy character customizations, then you could also keep a copy of your character with unmerged grafts. Should you change your mind or update them later.

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