bump distance doesn't work anymore

Issue #2050 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

Issue #433 doesn’t work anymore, it seems now the bump distance is always 0.2 mm for all materials. Eventually merge materials could skip the bump distance and strength to allow for more materials to merge, but I tried without merge materials and doesn’t work either.

bump = 3 / sqrt(pixel density)


  1. Easy import G8F and verify the bump distance on various materials. Tried with and without merge materials.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 985d91d works fine, thank you for the fast fix.

    Since cycles and eevee work in different ways with bump maps, it would be useful to have back the bump multiplier in the global settings, defaulted to 1. For some reason I find that bump * 2 tends to work better with eevee, and it is not possible to multiply the bump for multiple materials with the material editor.

    Let me know, this is not important we can always multiply by hand inside the materials to tune the bump, but takes more time.

    p.s. Of course I mean to multiply the bump distance, eventually, not the strenght.

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