Hair doesn't convert well with shapekeys

Issue #2051 resolved
Maneki created an issue

When I import shapekeys to for example fiber mesh eyelashes to shape them before I convert them to particle hair, the conversion is really off. Here’s a comparison of converting with shapekeys imported but all at 0 value and completely without shapekeys:

Comments (8)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I’m not sure to follow .. blender doesn’t support shapekeys for particles, unless I miss something. You have to apply the shapekey before conversion, if this is what you’re asking for, thus better do it in daz studio and export to dbz. Then about the particle conversion you have to use “line” for dforce hair, without children if you want the original daz hair.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    A bug for what ? Again particles don’t get shapekeys in blender .. if there’s nothing to add you can close as invalid.

  3. Maneki reporter

    Particles themselves can’t have shapekeys (well, at least not without addon) but I’m talking about not being able to convert mesh into particles when there’s shapekeys on the mesh altering the shape. I’m talking about pre-conversion.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There is already a tool for applying all shapekeys to a mesh. In the last commit the plugin does that automatically to the hair mesh before conversion is started.

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