Cyborg Generation 8M/F compatibility/support?

Issue #2055 resolved
John Smith1 created an issue

So I’ve been trying to experiment with using Diffeo with Non-Genesis products and most of them do import into blender but… most likely because of how they’re designed they’re not really compatible with Diffeo because of stuff like their armature or etc. Is there any possibility to make them more compatible with Diffeo? or any other related plug in to make them more useable? I ask cause the armature for these for example are REALLY oddly made and don’t conform to the standard DAZ rigs or etc. I’ve been trying to make my own NSFW Androids for various works but its just too different to be useable. which sucks cause these fit what i need really,

I was considering editing the rig to make it more feasible but the pistons which are part of the joints (the armatures going horizontally) make it difficult to try and find any single simple solution. It would be nice if there was some way to make this more user friendly in Blender even though its not a stock Model.

Comments (28)

  1. John Smith1 reporter

    here’s an example of what i had tried but failed to really achieve. I had attempted to match up the Cyborg G8F to the standard G8F/G8.1F body and conceal the original human mesh by compressing them with morphs in daz, parenting the cyborg rig to the G8F, then using Merge Rig function to have the robotic parts conform to the Human rig. Unfortunately the pistons in the arms which you can see here do not rotate naturally so i’m at a loss to what to do really.

  2. John Smith1 reporter

    the human arm also moves which is that curved line around the robot arm but that at least with vertex groups i could lock into place even. but the cyborg gen 8 parts are a real anomaly.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    I’m not sure what you’re asking for. The armature will be imported same as it is in daz studio, whether it is a genesis figure or not. For old figures as V4 or old poser figures you have to convert to general weight first, it’s “edit > figure > rigging > convert to weight mapping“ in daz studio.

    Then of course in blender you can do whatever you want to modify the armature if you don’t like it, that’s one reason to export to blender.

  4. John Smith1 reporter

    well yes and no, the armature shape itself is the same as it is in DAZ, but the weights on it have broken or something. i mean you can see in the arm picture i posted up top the piston joints of the arm are not following the proper rigged path as they would in DAZ. if you have Cyborg Generation 8 you can see for yourself that all the parts move as naturally as a G8M or F rig does. but taking it into Blender seems to break it somehow.

    that’s why i was asking if compatibility could be worked more for these special cases like the Cyborg 8 collection or something like SED10 and etc.

  5. John Smith1 reporter

    look, here’s the same model i shared earlier in daz. the pistons in the arm are actually working as intended and they’re not just rotating out of their slot. its working like an actual piston but when its been imported into blender something goes wrong and all the pistons start to move independently of their parts. its like there’s some kind of IK involved which gets removed when its imported into blender

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This rig contains many pairs of point-at constraints, which the plugin has ignored up to now. E.g., p16 points to s16 and s16 points to p16. I will try to implement that without introducing dependency loops.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Point At constraints are implemented in the last commit. There are some limitations, though. Bones can only point at other bones in the same armature, and the value is always 1.0. But this is good enough in this case, and given that I have never encountered Point At constraints before, I think that more complated situations are very rare.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Another thing. I noticed that you use the mhx rig in the picture above. The plugin will not let you convert the cyborg to mhx because it does not recognize it as a G8 armature, probably because the face bones are missing. But we can trick the plugin to think that this is a G8 character by manually typing in “genesis8” as the rig type in the Utilities panel. Once that is done, the rig can be converted to mhx or rigify without any obvious problems.

  9. John Smith1 reporter

    Okay but what about the Point-At Constraints issue? Is there a current work around for that or will that need to be added in a future update?

  10. John Smith1 reporter

    Unfortunately changing the name didn’t seem to help, i tried to reimport it and no changes. back to square one again.

  11. John Smith1 reporter

    okay well good news, bad news. Good news is that it worked! Mostly. Bad news, well not so bad but still a bit annoying that the shoulders for some reason didn’t get the same treatment and i’m not sure why. when it was in the standard A/T pose it looked ok but they seem to stay in that relative position.

  12. John Smith1 reporter

    Its definitely a massive improvement from before. but this may need future tinkering. but i doubt people would really care much for Cyborg Generation besides me so its probably not a high priority for most people.

  13. Alessandro Padovani

    I can confirm that the shoulders tend to break easily with mhx, whereas they work fine with the daz rig. The ik fingers seem to work fine here. Be sure to update to the latest mhx version

    p.s. The shoulders work fine with the simple ik rig, so as a workaround you can use that instead.

    @Thomas let us know if you want to look at mhx for the point-at constraints.

  14. John Smith1 reporter

    I updated MHX and tried again but unfortunately the same issue is occurring. worst case scenario i can just remove these joints for aesthetic reasons but i figured i would let you all know the state of the model after updating to

  15. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit.

    Pistons and sockets worked fine under X and Z rotations, but Y rotations distorted them. The helper bones located in the hidden collection (names end with “(drv)”) are parented to the shoulder bend bones. Thus Y rotations are not a problem in the daz rig because the bend bones never twist.

    However, the mhx process joins bend and twist bones together and then recreates them, perfectly aligned with the long shoulder bone. As a side effect the piston and sockets were now parented to the long shoulder bones, which does twist, rather than to the bend bone that doesn’t.

    The fix makes sure that the helper bones are parented to the right bones also after mhx. The helper bones are now located in the Help collection. The fix is a little hackish, because parents are only fixed for bones that end with “(drv)”, in order to avoid dependency loops that otherwise occur. But this is good enough in this case, and the issue has never arised before.

    The plugin now recognizes this as a G8 rig even if the face bones are missing.

  16. John Smith1 reporter

    Okay i had a feeling that was the case.. except… now that i’ve updated to it diffeo is acting all kinds of strange now, i don’t know what i did wrong but i’m getting alot of random errors and weird bugs from other models of mine.

    this unrelated model says it has no UV map when i try to load a UV Set on golden palace, but there’s one clearly on it and i’m not sure what’s going on. is there a discord for diffeo and such? i feel like posting like this isn’t as clear as showing it live via a screenshare or etc?

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