G9 FACS Morphs Combine Several Of The ShapeKey Names (Breaks Things Like Live Link)

Issue #2062 duplicate
CookItOff created an issue

G8 FACS Morphs separated with their own slider like Mouth Left, Mouth Right or Jaw Left, Jaw Right are now combined as one slider Mouth Left/Right and Jaw Left/Right with a single slider for each with G9. This breaks loading Live Link facial mocap as LL has the Shapekeys labeled separate from each other.

What’s weird is that the correct names and the values get listed in the Action Editor but there aren't any shapekeys of those names (obviously) to actually control those values. This maybe from the add-on just loading the info to the action regardless of the names.

I could have sworn that G9 had these separated like G8 before (?). Maybe I’m remembering wrong :)



Comments (8)

  1. CookItOff reporter

    So I checked Pose Controls in Daz and it does combines several of the face controls as Left/Right for G9 and separates them for any of the 8.1 models using FACS. Going to research if I can separate these before export.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    I suppose you have to provide a test file, otherwise it will be difficult for Thomas to check it. I can confirm that “jaw left-right” is a single morph in G9 while it’s two morphs in G81, so livelink needs to be mapped accordingly.

  3. CookItOff reporter

    Yup, I can provide a Live Link file. This file just has me moving my Jaw and Mouth from side to side. Jaw left-right and mouth left-right are two that have combined sliders… i think there maybe a few more though.

    Test LL File included now.


  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Did you check with the latest version of the bvh retargeter? I think this was fixed with issue #2057. The mouth moves both left and right for me.

  5. CookItOff reporter

    @Thomas Larsson @Thomas Larsson that was it!

    Sorry, I was sure the latest BVH Retargeter was installed for my 4.1, but when I checked I only had the latest on 4.2 which I’m trying not to test files with. :)

    All good now, and you can mark as Resolved. Sorry to waste your time and have you troubleshoot that issue. :)



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