BVH UE and Mixamo rig no longer properly working

Issue #2068 invalid
bouich jules created an issue

Hi Thomas,

I was wondering why the UE rig and Mixamo rig are no longer working after an update done by quickmagic.

Please find in attachment, a mixamo and UE animation.. that are working perfectly when you import them normal fbx

but when you load and retarget on a genesis 9 it won’t work.

Thank you!

Comments (8)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    I got it!!! i figure out the problem ( BUT only for MIXAMO ) for UE need apply transform first and that break the anim.

    Import the FBX with the blender official importer.

    Change G9 from 0.010 scale to 1 with change unit scale of the plugin

    Click on the FBX then on the G9 and hit retarget selected to active!, and now it will works.

    but i truly dont know what happened why have to follow all these steps now.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    When you load a mocap you always have to scale to fit the armature for retargeting, this is normal. There’s an option to “auto scale“ when you “load and retarget“, doesn’t it work ?

  3. Alessandro Padovani


    It appears the mixamo and UE files you provided are not oriented correctly and this confuses the retarget process. That is, there’s an “auto scale” but not an “auto orientation“ so you have to load them with the proper axes.


    1. load fbx file with x forward and z up and scale 0.01
    2. retarget selected to active

    Even so the addon can’t properly align the genesis figure with the mixamo armature, so it appears a proper orientation is required from the start and it’s not possible to fit a different orientation afterward.

    For the unreal file the armature is messed up, you get an error when you try to retarget.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    I suspect this is more an issue on your side providing messed up test files. But Thomas may want to give a look.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Both animations look reasonably okey if you import the files with +Z up and +Y forward. If you disable locks and limits they look even better.

    I’m surprised by this orientation, because it means that the X axis points to character right. Blender’s native orientation is Z up and -Y forward. But anyway, this is the right choice. You can test what the right orientation is by first loading the bvh or fbx file. Or you can import the fbx file with Blender’s fbx importer and use manual orientation. Either way the imported figure should face forward in rest pose.

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