Hand body morphs not working after converting to MHX

Issue #208 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

If importing body morphs, then making all bones posable (to be able to pose with both the morphs and bones), and then convert to MHX, the hand and foot morphs stop working, here are some examples of what happens.

This doesn’t happen with other body morphs like ShouldersShrug, WaistBend, and any that doesn’t involve the hands and foots.

Note: what i do to fix this is:

  • Import all body morphs that doesn’t involve hands and foots.
  • Make all bones posable.
  • Import body morphs that involve hands and foots (and leave them driven).
  • Convert to MHX.
  • Now I go edit mode, duplicate each hand and foot bone.
  • Go Pose mode, and for each bone, select the original (which is driven), add bone constraint → Copy Rotation, select the duplicated bone as Target.Bone, set Mix to “After Original”, and Target and Owner to “Local Space”.
  • Then I move the driven bones to the driven layer, so when I hit the Fingers Layer, it doesn’t show me the driven, but the new ones that are posable.
  • And then I can use the body morphs that I’ve imported, and also pose the bones manually.

Comments (3)

  1. Chuki Cicha reporter

    This issue was here for about half a year, even before body morphs were introduced in the addon. I was importing hand morphs as custom morphs, and doing what I said to fix this and to be able to pose freely. And because of that I never reported this issue, but it’s been here for a while.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    With the last commit, you can essentially achieve this in a slightly different way.

    • Import body morphs
    • Convert to MHX
    • Make all bones posable.

    The mhx code is complex enough already, and I don’t want to add more complexity by dealing with Drv bones. But making all bones posable working with mhx was really no big deal.

    Make All Bones Posable and Add Extra Face Bones now work slightly differently. The options popup is gone; the Drv bones always end up on the last bone layer, and the posable bone is on the bone layer that the driven bone used to be.

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