Geograft not attaching properly

Issue #2080 invalid
Yigazi created an issue

Suddenly the geograft I have isn’t attaching properly. I’m not sure what I’ve done, but basically the unmerged anatomy exists even after merging the geograft with the main mesh. I don’t have a clue how and why this is happening and if there’s a way to fix it.

I tried also with a new geograft and it’s the same thing, so something to do with the main body. I got a bunch of stuff in it so I can’t exactly ditch it.

Console also states that “0 vertices removed.”

Comments (9)

  1. Yigazi reporter

    Interesting, after I manually created a vertex group for the parts that should be removed, it deleted the vertices. But I sure didn’t need to do that before.

  2. Alessandro Padovani


    For merge geografts there’s now an option to keep the original mesh, perhaps you checked that. Otherwise it seems to work fine here unless you have specific steps to follow.

    my steps:

    1. import figure
    2. merge geografts

  3. Yigazi reporter

    Nope, I only have those 3 checked at the bottom. Importing the same figure, but as a fresh character and merging the fresh figure + graft without any morphs also didn’t cause the issue. But when I merged the new fresh geograft with the old main figure, it bugged out still.

    But I don’t get why creating a new mask fixed the problem when it wasn’t an issue before.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    If you finalized the old figure in the finishing panel, then certain operations are no more possible. Or if you someway managed to corrupt the figure metadata that the addon tools need to work, for example copying and pasting or modifying the geometry with the blender tools.

    If you need to modify the figure with the blender tools be sure you do it as a last step. You may not import morphs or merge geografts afterward, depending on what you change.

  5. Yigazi reporter

    I didn’t at least intentionally touch any of the finalization stuff. I’m not sure if the metadata has become corrupted though, is there a way to compare the old and new figure to see if anything is broken?

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    I’m afraid not, the only way is to do changes AFTER you completely imported the figure with all morphs and merges. Even so you may break drivers needed for animation in the fbx runtime, depending on what you do. But this is the same with all other rigs of course you can break them.

    So if you need to “repair“ your figure, the only way is to do backups, hopefully before the damage. This is so for other rigs and plugins as well and for blender in general.

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