Displacement maps created from HD Morphs have no information.

Issue #2085 invalid
VZEWL created an issue

Whenever I export a 4K 16-bit PNG Displacement texture from an HD morph, it always comes out middle grey. There’s no information and my file size is always only 40 KB in size even though it take about 5 minutes to export. I got it to work once yesterday, but since then no other morphs work and even when I tried the one that did work, it wont work now.

For further context I have a Victoria 8.1 figure exported at 0 subdivisions. I have my “Component” set to both and I have my Start SubD’s at 0 and my Max at -1 to use the full range. This is also just the scalar displacement in the “Normals/Displacement” settings.

Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    For questions on the Xin addon you better use #1862, as I doubt Xin reads the other issues here. Or you can buy the addon on gumroad so you can contact Xin there and may be have a better support.

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