Diffeo 4.1 not adding rotation limitations with Gen9

Issue #2087 invalid
LTro created an issue


Unless I’m missing something, diffeo 4.1 does not seem to be adding rotation limits to my MHX rig.

I did a quick test with a generic Gen9 model import into blender 4.1 > easy import default settings > convert rig to MHX

Is there something new I have to do to enable with 4.1? These used to come in automatically in earlier versions.


Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I believe rotation limits were removed to avoid issues with ik snapping, but better wait for a confirmation by Thomas. Personally I don’t use rotation limits in ik rigs.

  2. LTro reporter

    Thanks- I think I actually got it working how I want. Turning the “spine ik” off during mhx generation brought got me all the limits…

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