Simple IK not working

Issue #209 resolved
Jason Weise created an issue

I just wanted to say how much I love this addon though I think I have found an issue.

I have noticed that the Simple IK component doesn’t seem to be connected to the rig correctly (unless I am doing something wrong).

I have been having trouble with Rifigy rig (nothing to do with this plugin) and thought I would try the Simple IK option for my G8M character but have noticed that when I click “Add Simple IK” button under the Corrections tab, the IK handles are added to the Rig as are the Poles if I check the box, but when I move the IK Handle, it is the only thing that moves none of the actual rig follows like it does with Rigify.

Is there an additional step I might be missing to get IK or is this possibly a bug?

I am on Blender 2.90.1 and using the latest commit as of today (I tried the last couple in fact and they all have the same result).

PS. I have exported a simple G8M without any clothes or hair and it has the same issue.

Thanks in advance :)

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Weise reporter

    Thanks so much, such a duh moment, I completely overlooked the Rig Panel, just presumed IK would have its influence set automagically.

    This can be closed now and thanks so much for putting up with such a daft question.

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