One Click "Corrections"

Issue #211 closed
Arie Leo created an issue

Out of curiosity is it possible to get one click corrections feature? Basically combine Merge Rigs, Eliminate Empties, Merge Toes, Add Extra Face Bones and Make All Bones Posable into one button. Additionally if those option are required show a popup with a checkboxes for all of those 5 task and it’s settings.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t think so. The reason there are separate buttons rather than doing things automatically when the scene is imported is that the user might want to do different things depending on the situation. Instead of the plugin second-guessing what is right in this particular scene, the user should decide which tools to apply to the scene. That’s my philosophy.

  2. Arie Leo reporter

    I see, that’s make sense. There’s might be a case where all of those option are not even used, or at least some of it. Alright i’ll close this issue then.

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