Cyborg Generation 8M still broken

Issue #2119 invalid
John Smith1 created an issue

I figured I’d take time to follow up on the Cyborg Generation 8 compatibility and check with the male models and sure enough,

the male figures did not get effected by the fixes sadly.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I cannot reproduce this. The pistons stay in their sockets, even after converting to mhx.

  2. John Smith1 reporter

    oh lord ok, that means it might be something else that got imported in which is causing it to act poorly.
    i’ll have to take a second look or import any other clothing items i had included separately. thank you for checking all the same.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Works fine for me too, unless there’s specific steps. Tried with and without poles.

    my steps:

    1. import the figure
    2. convert to mhx
    3. pose with ik controls

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