Ability to add favorite morphs to categories

Issue #2145 wontfix
Maneki created an issue

Would it be possible to add a option for the “import favourite morphs” to put all the imported morphs into a existing or new custom named category?

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Which kind of favorites do you mean?

    Import DAZ Favorites puts the morphs into categories labelled by the figure they belong to. You can rename the categories afterwards.

    Load Favorites Morphs puts the morphs into the same categories as they belonged to when they were saved. If you want them in other categories you could rename the categories and then Save Favorite Morphs to a new file. An unofficial but faster way to rename the categories, which I use myself sometimes, is to edit the json file in a text editor.

  2. Maneki reporter

    Renaming the category afterwards is a easy and fast workaround but having the option to put them into a freshly made category would be some QoL improvement. If you deem it unnecessary or not worth you can close it.

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