Issue #2161 invalid
Gu Ki created an issue

I have my textures pack into blend file it self

then why can’t I use UDIM setup without saving the textures as local textures

is this addon issue or blender issue

can you guys come up with a fix please

(I put it as bug because I think it is)

Comments (8)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    This is a known limitation with blender, not a bug in the addon. The packed textures can’t distinguish among same name in different paths, so you need either to save as local or have all the textures with different names.

    If there’s nothing to add you can close as invalid.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin makes copies of the textures and renames them to match Blender’s convention for udim textures. Normally the original textures are located somewhere in the DS database, which we don’t want to pollute with additional files. That’s why the plugin requires all textures be local, so the DS database is not affected.

    However, I didn’t think of the case that the textures are baked in the Blender file. Then it should be possible to rename the textures to match the udim convention. Have to think about that.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Uh I guess I misunderstood .. then you can unpack then make udim then repack. The texture names are changed to be udim compatible.

    @Thomas I don’t see how this is an issue, pack and unpack are common blender operations and the addon doesn’t need to to deal with it. Let us know.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now I tested this, and I can’t see any problems. Since the images are packed the blend file is already saved. You have to save local textures (which unpacks images), and then you can resize textures and make udim materials as usual. Finally the new images can be packed into the blend file again. At the end there is a directory of unused local textures, but they can easily be removed by the user.

    If there is nothing to add we can close this.

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