Genitalia Geograft Vertices Translate Incorrectly Using Multiresolution Modifier

Issue #218 closed
Zack Johnson created an issue

I posted this issue on the Blender Artists forum due to being unable to log in to bitbucket, but now that I can log in I will post it here in case anyone else has experienced this and knows how to help.

I am using this method to export an HD character with HD genitalia geograft (I have tried both G8M+Dicktator and G8F/G3F+Futalicious - all give me the same issue).

Here is a screenshot of what the error looks like (before using Merge Geografts):

And here is what it looks like after using Merge Geografts:

The vertices experiencing an issue are located above the rectum. When I go to the Multiresolution modifier and cycle down from 3 subdivision levels to 0, the vertices get better looking with each step. If I disable the Multiresolution modifier on the geograft, everything looks fine, so I think it’s an issue with the Multires modifier.

Here is a GIF of me adjusting the Multires subdivision levels. You can see the vertices being affected with each step.

I must be doing something wrong because Thomas is able to use this method without any issue. I wanted to post here to see if anyone has any insight into what I could be doing wrong. Here is my process:

  1. Load my character in Daz.
  2. Go to Tools > Geometry Editor.
  3. Select my character, go to the Mesh Resolution panel, change Resolution Level to High Resolution and increase the SubDivision Level to 3.
  4. Select the Futalicious Genitalia and do the same.
  5. Go to File > Export HD to Blender, save the .dbz with the name of the character.
  6. Save the file as .duf with the same name as the .dbz.
  7. Open Blender, use Import DAZ File (v1.5.1)
  8. Import using default settings (Unit Scale 0.01, Custom Shapes enabled, Mesh Fitting DBZ)
  9. It’s at this point that I can notice the erroneous vertices. It’s like they are missing weight painting or something? They are stretched to the origin of the body mesh.

Comments (11)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I can see that issue too. But also the original method by Krampus works fine. That is, save the base resolution with geografts, then save the HD without geografts, then load the HD and append the geografts from the base resolution file.

    With the method by Krampus the geograft is loaded at base resolution and will not be part of the multires until it is merged. No odd vertices this way.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Also this seems to work fine with the geometry editor if you don’t subdivide the geograft. That is, avoid step 4. And I’d suggest to enter the editor just before exporting, there’s no need to enter before.

    in daz studio

    1. subdivide the figure
    2. enter the geometry editor
    3. export HD

    in blender

    1. import HD
    2. merge armatures
    3. merge geografts

  3. Zack Johnson reporter

    Thanks for the suggestions Alessandro. It’s good to know I can still use the geometry editor trick with the base resolution geograft. That saves a little bit of time since I won’t have to export the HD mesh without the geograft.

    It would be nice to get the full HD geograft mesh without glitches, too. Hopefully Blender can fix this bug. Thanks for reporting it Thomas!

    I am stoked to see how far you guys have pushed the Importer with HD meshes. A few months ago this was all just hypothetical but now it’s almost fully implemented.

  4. engetudouiti

    btw (though I can not test about the product)

    why the geometry editor activate workflow may need for some case,

    without it you can not actually add Any HD morphs which ised for graft item. like this product

    some product may include HD morphs for grafted item too.

    the real benefit is, geometry editor activate, then export you can actually export mesh which include HD morphs for grafted item too.

    But if it not work, there is no way to export HD morph for grafted items part. (so you only apply sub-D and merge about graft item without HD morph detail for graft items

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    @Zack Most geografts are not HD, including Meipe’s, so it makes no difference if you export the base mesh. Then as Engetudouiti points out it makes a difference with HD grafts. If we’re lucky it may also be that not every HD graft gets issues, this may relate to the geometry or graft area.

    Unfortunately I don’t have any HD graft to test and I suspect that subdividing a base mesh may not be the same thing.

  6. engetudouiti

    I can suspect mix use data transfer for the problem few verts, to correct loation temporally, but if it is a few verts I may try manually locate again with snap tool or sculpt smooth etc ^^;

    (it seems show same problem when verts not weight correctly with bone, so I suppose it is not so difficult to adjust the problem verts)

    But when I asked thomas to add the option (the geometry editor workflow) is for products which offer HD morphs for graft merged items . (that seems clear problem for me, when I see HD import way which discussed here, then I know how gometery editor + export work, so I offered idea)

    if the product have no HD morphs (grafted item) you need not use the option. so if many product cause same issue, maybe we need option, without use geometry editor.

    (but it is already offered with some additional work I suppose)

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