Baking joint rotations of daz character create empty mesh of the character when importing in blender

Issue #220 closed
ratus ratus created an issue

Hello and thanks for your incredible valuable work Thomas !

I wanted to transfer a pair of shoes to a character in daz and to get these shoes fit well, as they have heels, I had to pose the character and go to joint editor and right clicking on the joints : Edit > Bake joint rotations then I can manage with the transfer utility to get these shoes fit well

But as soon as I bake the joints rotation, when I import the character in blender everything is importing well except the mesh of the character which is there with the correct name but empty…

I don’t know if you can fix this issue or not, just in case I wanted to noticed it to you

Thanks again


Comments (9)

  1. engetudouiti

    I suppose if you use bake joint rotation to use transfer utility etc to convert other generation foot wear, then now it fit to in daz scene?

    I may suggest, save the your edit-version foot wear as new daz figure. (save as support assets>figure prop dsf)

    then atach the new clean version. foot wear, and save the scene and export. If it worked, maybe current baked joint rotation foot wear data not saved as daz duf scene or json then importer can not generate mesh.

  2. ratus ratus reporter

    I suppose if you use bake joint rotation to use transfer utility etc to convert other generation foot wear, then now it fit to in daz scene?

    In fact it’s shoes I create using blender so they are already designed with the character having the right pose with heels (there’s a tuto on youtube I followed to use bake joint rotation so I don’t have to deform my shoe to fit the foot when it is flat on the floor)

    I may suggest, save the your edit-version foot wear as new daz figure. (save as support assets>figure prop dsf)

    ok I’ve followed your advice and saved my shoes as props then I attached to my character not having to bake joints this time…and it works !!

    So thanks a lot for your advice engetudouiti 😉

  3. engetudouiti

    you are really welcom. I like making items in blender for daz figures, so I clear remember there were complex step to fit foot wear for posed figure. And yes we needed to use bake joint rotation for jcm correctly applied and make it to work for zero pose too. (Actually I forget those steps detail but keep the tutorial for the purpose), this is my recommend one. 😅

    (The author is daz worker I remember,, though I suppose some jcm may not imported in daz studio, or not work same manner when we import to blender, but there are many way to fit better in blender)

  4. engetudouiti

    I suppose he tried to use joint rotation then not saved as daz figure and props, but in daz scene, it work correctly,

    then tried to export with save and json (dbz).

    I think, when we edit something in daz studio about rig etc for figures (rig) or props with daz tool, untill we save as daz figure (and props) then saved as dsf, some data of figure may not be imported correctly. (though most of case, modified data will be saved in daz duf scene file, but maybe there is case, importer can not read them correctly)

    If ratus offer log (blender) maybe Thomas can find what cause problem. (there were a few case, daz save some edit data, with strange number name dsf to save temporally. (they will be used when we load the saved scene) untill we save as figure and prop (dsf), or untill we save as morph (dsf) .

  5. ratus ratus reporter

    Yes I followed the tutorial that engetudouiti gave the link above

    When I export following these steps, the mesh of the genesis character is empty in blender (the mesh with its name is correctly showing up in the outliner)

    A workaround is to do the exact same steps following the tutorial using bake joints rotation, then save the shoes as props

    I then reload the genesis (who has not its joints rotation baked) and apply the shoes to it and can export to blender without issue

    Tell me where I can find this log, I’ve look in the temp folder but there’s nothing in it and in the console window no errors appear


  6. engetudouiti

    I see, then if you are windows user, in your document directory, you may find “daz_ importer_error.txt”

    Though I do not know why console not offer error. (maybe ignored?)

    then actually the daz scene actor mesh is only for template (she changed rig to make better shoes) then not expected to use for real scene. (so not recommended to save the scene ) I do not know if there is other case we may use “bake joint rotation” for Actor,then I suppose Thomas might need not change this add on.

    And yes save as “Figure and prop” is important , when you make the shoes etc. After that all rig and mesh data of the shoes are saved as same as product shoes. then now you can use it for all scene. and all same generation figures.

    (Then daz importer can handle your new shoes and actor who wear , as same as other product)

    If I could take time, I may test with use “bake joint rotation” for actor, and save scene duf and export with json. but may be it not work.

    (At current only way is save the edit figure as new figure I suppose) But never overwrite default figure dsf file, if you use bake joint rotation. (it cause terrible problem , it effect all daz scene figure which you have saved)

  7. engetudouiti

    mm,, so I temp test without figure,, (pose genesis 3, and use bake joint rotation (joint editor option menu)

    and save scene as duf, then save json, and export,, without wear it seems worked for me ^^;

    I do not know if there is special case, (eg it may not work with attached cloth etc,,) but do you use recent beta version?

    If you do not care,, attach saved duf scene file as zip, so others can test it. (you do not need any product item, only include genesis and your hand mad shoes if you not care)

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