triax options

Issue #2206 invalid
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

ref #1731.

I see the triax options are moved to debug, which is fine for me as they’re intended to be always used. However, “bulge weights“ is a first approximation, useful but with some glitches in the generated shapes, so we may want to keep this off by default, aka “enable at your risk“. While “improve triax weights“ is always better over the standard import and required to avoid spikes in the generated shapes, so it is ok to have this on by default.

This is very minor. Let me know if you agree or I’ll close anyway.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think both options should be moved back to the mesh section. The extra triax bones interact in strange ways with mhx. It is not necessarily wrong, because I didn’t see any bad deformation, but there is an extra set of bones that are confusing. Then this is nothing that affects myself, since all of my own characters are G8.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Agreed to move back to mesh if you want to. As for mhx I can’t help as mhx is too much complicated for me to analyze, the extra triax bones are used to mimic the G8 twist bones in G1 G2, ref #1731. If mhx is not compatible with this we should place a warning in the “improve triax weights“ tooltip. Of course it would be better to fix mhx if possible.

    update. Tested simple ik and seems to work fine with improve triax and bulges.

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