Hair creation explodes.

Issue #2216 invalid
Indulge Me created an issue

I tried to convert Cyberpunk Hair for Genesis 8 into Blender Hair Curves for simulation and it exploded. I first separated fibres from scalp and then selected scalp as “human” and fibres as “hair”. Selecting Particles in Make Hair worked OK. Here’s the explosion:

and for good measure, selecting Particles instead gives:

Comments (10)

  1. Indulge Me reporter

    I forgot to say, Check Strips is turned off as it gives an error:

    This is probably a clue. Most hair clips through the scalp mesh, or rather a lot of it does. Perhaps all I need to do is a little sculpt beforehand to fit the vertices just above it.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    The error usually means there’s something more you have to separate from the hair, as a band for example, if you already separated the scalp. You can also check if the uv strips are top-down as it isn’t always the case. In the worst case if the uv strips are mixed then you have to separate the hair accordingly, that’s often complex to do so it basically means the specific hair doesn’t fit conversion.

    p.s. A search for “cyberpunk hair“ in the daz shop brings out quite a lot of results so you may want to link the product page, in general, when reporting bugs.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The error doesn’t have anything to do with hairs intersecting the scalp. The hair tool converts long strips into strands, either particles or hair curves. If the aspect ratio of the strip is less than 2:1, something might be wrong; this typically happens if the scalp is still part of the hair mesh. But it doesn’t have to be wrong, there might be real strips that are squarish. That’s why you can turn the error off.

    This seems more like bad simulations settings to me. Does the hair looks good if you disable the cloth modifier? Then you have to change the settings. I don’t have a lot of experience with simulation, and the default settings is something that just happened to work in the test case (Monica hair).

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In my (very limited) experience, simulations are finicky. You need to start at frame 1, and sometimes an old simulation is in the cache. But there are others who understand simulation much better than me.

  5. Indulge Me reporter

    They are, yes. Point is, the state I showed at the top was the state after clicking Make Hair. I’ve been through the procedure again and I think the issue was the timeline was on frame 27, which I hadn’t noticed. That’s why it “fixed itself” previously. I did a bake.

    So I don’t think there’s an issue here at all (problem was between chair and keyboard).

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