FBX compatible bad results and how to Export environnent back to DAZ ?

Issue #2251 invalid
bouich jules created an issue

Hi! So this topic contain a “bug” and a suggestion:

the “ bug” which is not really a bug is:

I am using this function to export from diffeo to UE5

however to be honest the results are awful, this is an exemple how it looks in blender and UE

in UE

Mainly because of the UV texutre and mappings that is proper to blender only.

The suggestion is please, can we have an EXPORT option to DAZ ( because the DAZ TO UE give excellent results for environment directly)

daz3d/DazToUnreal: Daz to Unreal Bridge

the official bridge plugn, give really accurate textures and expor to UE5.

So after we finish the environment editing in blender we export back to DAZ with all the textures same as the original textures when we imported it.

Thank you!!

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A script that exports Blender scenes to DS will not happen. It will be a huge project and it is not something that I’m interested in. I don’t think that it is easier to convert from Cycles to Iray than the other way around.

    I played around a little with UE half a year ago, but never got comfortable with it. If there is a dedicated Blender to UE5 exporter that might do better with materials than an FBX pipeline. But I just don’t know.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    I agree with Thomas. That said the fbx option for materials is targeted at the generic wrapper reported in the blender documentation, the mapping and normal map nodes are supported. You can try to load back the fbx in blender and it should work. Then if these materials are not visible in UE it means UE can’t correctly import fbx files from blender, which sounds odd to me. Of course there’s also UE exporters for blender that you can try, so there’s no need for the daz bridge.

    Another way is to bake the textures, that will also give better results as you can import bsdf materials this way. But of course baking takes extra steps and some time to be done.


  3. bouich jules reporter

    @Thomas you basically can do everything that blender do in UE, even blender camera smooth animations you can export them to UE, basically all the scene in blender can be exported to UE for render, and UE cinematics are really much better than cycles for me

    here is a video comparison: Blender Vs Unreal Engine 5 I render comparison

    Anyway Thank you for your reply both!

    for textures I found another way around, which is import with diffeo in single principled and to export in .Glb / .Gltf format.

    edit: can be closed, thanks!!

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