Import pose without "affect object" option still transform root node of rigi-fy

Issue #229 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

When I import pose with non-check “affect object”, I hope, root pose bone never transform. So I can keep root position of current Actor, (usually moved a lot in the scene) but only change hip or torso ,limb bones posing.

If I hope to need transform on the scene position,, like jump or adjust for bed etc, I basically use “hip” or rigi-fy “torso”

I suppose at current the option can limit object transform only. (so armature obj not move) but it still append

daz root node transform for the blender root pose bone transform.

To avoid it, when user un-check this option = not afefct object, hope do not change root pose bone ransform for rigi-fyarmature.

I do not remember, how it work with default rig, but at least for rigi-fy, keep root node transform value, without change it.

Then if user use “affect object”, maybe most of user expect, it may move root node transform too.

Or if it conflict pure object transform,, hope there is option, which not move root pose bone.

At current maybe I need to use “selected bone only”, then remove the root node for current selection.

(And I often think if there is way to import pose for current visible bones only, it is useful too. so we can controll

bone layer level for posing, without carefully select each bones. )

Comments (10)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then when we import “pose” the purpose is mainly for pose mode about armature.

    But daz studio have not distinguish pose and object mode.

    So for pose, the object level transform value = root node transform value, it is distinguished from hip node transform. (so root node = object position is 0, 0, 0, but hip has individual bone )

    So the option dsicribe “not affect object transform” means for daz studio, do not move root node for posing.

    As you can see, blender usually set root node for rig with pose mode. at least your offered MHX rig and rigi-fy rig have root node to tnrasform to move full armature with pose mode.

    so daz studio, Genesis transform = blender pose root node transform.

    if we exclude daz object transform value, we may hope to exclude root node transform for blender “pose mode”. I hope Thomas understand what I expect.

    At same time I understand, current option has meaning to avoid object transform.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the latest commit there is an option to clear the master/root bone when loading a pose.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Though it may be need option, but I do not expect clear root bone transform in pose mode. if you means, auto set zero value for root node.😟

    What I hope is (maybe it seems more usable) option, which not effect root node current transform value. when import pose.

    so I hope not reset, but exclude root node transform values from imported dsf files.

    So I can keep the current root node position of rigi-fy or mhx rig. Though good pose author seldom include root node transform,

    (it had been discussed many times, in daz studio forum, and some author understand the importance, but some author not)

    I actually have many product pose which like to pose daz genesis root node without clear meaning,,,

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you disable the option, the root bone is left unchanged. Isn’t that what you want? The root bone is never set to something else by a pose, because no Daz bone is mapped to the rigify root or mhx master.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    I had seen many times my rigi-fy root node move, when import pose (pose mode) with check off “Affect object”

    I keep it as visible (root node of rigi-fy), so without I miss something, your import pose function had moved the root node.

    so, you changed the way?

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Though I may test with your new up-date version, (and hope it work as I means)

    But untill the new commit, it worked like this

    So if you not intended it, I suppose something different what you said.

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    So I suppose if your script auto set zero for root bone location (at least untill you commit this issue) ?

    I thought if it work as reverse meaning, but if I test with activate “Affect object = ON”

    it show same root node position = 0, 0, 0

    (yes I could confirm, import pose cause reset root node position as zero, and there is no way to change the behavor

    Only way is I use “selected bone only “ option, then remove root from selection, to avoid script reset root node position.

    (recent blender 2.8 cause me really difficult to select de-select bone, so I mistake sorry)

    ideally if I hope option, when I hide the bones from lig layer, plug in auto exclude those bone transform is best for me. (though it is not related this problem)

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    What I means root node in pose mode transform = root bone of the armature (only mhx and rigi-fy offer) pose transform values.

    the problem is there is no way to keep current root posed position (which I move the actor by the root bone with pose mode) when import pose. (anyway script reset it as world zero position)

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes it is what I hoped . Now If I disable the new option, root node do not move as world zero, I could confirm thanks.

    Sorry I did not think you changed the way.. (miss understand , I though you add new option which I need not)😁

    (though I did not request to offer “, reset root node transform option”,, because plug in worked so… without any setting, then what I hoped , keep the root postion a same as before,, now it worked. thanks.)

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