Hip region of model severely distorted in final render (with GF8 Golden Palace)

Issue #231 closed
Jester Tickett created an issue

Hi there, thanks for the hard work you’ve put onto this amazing plugin.

Here is a GF8 with Golden Palace gens I have transferred using Diffeo into Blender. I used the merge geographs to combine the two and combined all the metarigs together before converting to Rigify. I made the pubic hair myself using the particle system within Blender, which (from memory) I did after converting to Rigify. Here’s the pre-render result without Rigify rig:

Pre-render, without rig

…and with rig

Pre-render, with rig

However, when I send the file up to Concierge Render (it’s part of a large animation), I get this(!):

Alarming distortion

I thought it must have been me doing something daft with the keyframes in Blender. So I nuked all the keyframes to zero the character back to A-pose, rendered again in Concierge and got this:

Even more alarming distortion

Can you help me reproduce what’s in the pre-render shot in the post-render shot?

• Windows 10

• Blender 2.9

• Daz 4.12.1

• Diffeo 1.5.1

Comments (11)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Is Concierge Render some kind of render farm? Morphs can blow up if the add-on is not enabled when you load the blend file. To avoid that you need to ship your blend file with the stripped run-time system open in the script window. An early version is described in http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/2018/07/stripped-runtime-system.html. I think I have written something more up-to-date about it but I cannot find anything else.

    Edit: Auto Run Python Scripts must also be enabled, but they probably are if things look good on your computer. https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/ugly-faces.html

  2. Jester Tickett reporter

    Thanks Thomas, I’ll have a look a that tomorrow and post an update. Yes, Concierge Render is a render farm

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Before sending your files to a render farm, test to render a frame or two with the add-on disabled.

  4. Jester Tickett reporter

    Interestingly, when I disabled the import-daz Diffeo plug-in, the next time I loaded up the scene, I was able to reproduce the problem on my computer, pre-render. Here’s some nightmare fuel for you! Disturbing, but I think it proves you’re on the right track with the cause of the problem.

    I tried running runtime_stripped_28x.py via Edit ==> Preferences (I’m assuming it’s not a problem that I dumped runtime_stripped_28x.py on the desktop and accessed it from there) but got this error from the info tab:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "G:\Program Files\Blender 2.9\2.90\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 382, in enable
    File "C:\Users\[my name]\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\runtime_stripped_28x.py", line 145, in register
    for ob in bpy.context.view_layer.objects:
    AttributeError: '_RestrictContext' object has no attribute 'view_layer'

    I tried the other method, i.e. going to the scripting tab, finding and loading runtime_stripped_28x.py into the scripting editor and running it from there. Things seem to have changed since you wrote your tutorial; the register button is not there in Blender 2.9 as it was in your screenshot (below), but I’m hoping that’s not a problem.

    The info tab seems happier with this method and says bpy.ops.text.run_script() in response. However, I then saved the .blend and re-opened it, but the problem still remained.

  5. Jester Tickett reporter

    Good to know, thanks. However, I’m still having problems. This is the next step I’ve since taken:

    1. Registered the script via the Text menu. I got bpy.data.texts["runtime_stripped_28x.py"].use_module = True from this in the info window, which looked like good news.
    2. Ran the script. Got bpy.ops.text.run_script()as a response.
    3. Saved the .blend
    4. Reloaded the same .blend
    5. Same problem as pictured in the original post, i.e. heavily distorted characters.

  6. Jester Tickett reporter

    Thomas, I hate to bug (pun!) you and I hope I don’t seem impatient or ungrateful, but is this problem in the pipeline to be solved? I’ve tried using Daz’s importer and it’s simply not as good or versatile as Diffeo. If I know that the cloud rendering issue might be fixed, I can continue creating material in Blender, knowing that, at some point I’ll be able to get it rendered by computers powerful enough to handle to request. Again, thanks for your time

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Apparently I had made some changes to the driver functions and forgot to update the runtime_stripped files. Now things are working for me when I do this:

    1. Load a character, import some morphs, and merge geografts.
    2. Create an animation with poses and morphs.
    3. Load runtime_stripped_28x.py into the scripting window.
    4. Register the script (Menu Text > Register).
    5. Disable the Daz importer addon.
    6. Restart Blender.

    The animation now runs correctly with no add-on enabled. But you need the updated script.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Jester, is this bug still open? I’m trying to wrap things up before the next stable release and this would be a showstopper.

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