Transfer jcms failed with message

Issue #233 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

After merged rig, import jcms for G3 main actor mesh. then try to transfer jcms.

I did same thing, for same duf json set, manytimes, it had never failed. but recent version show erroer message

(Can not transfer morph between meshes which have different transform) and failed to transfer, I suspect if it is same reason when I tried to transfer custom morphs from merged mesh to append tops. (other topic)😶

Comments (3)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    OK I seems find reason, but do not know if it is my fault or add on side problem

    Because when I import duf with json, the generated rig and meshes really small rotation value like 0.00006 for one axis as locked.

    So if I recet all the small rotation values set as zero in blender, it could transfer jcms.

    I can not see it in daz studio. all rotation value are set as zero, for rig and meshes. I already use some controller which may affect bone scale, etc, but it seems not matter when transfer jcms for me. I do not suppose when I import rig, it already include delta rotation values for mesh and clothing items, as object and rig object.

    I suspect this problem generated by recent commit which try to adjust node transform. (because I have never seen the problem about same duf, json)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes the small delta auto generated (or default daz dsf include the hidden delta I suppose) even though I save the default g3 duf, and export with dbz.

    the rotation values are appeared when import with plug in.

    I remember, it is strange but actually daz offered figure often include the hidden delta as if it is rig hidden print. but it may not be shown for most of case.

    I do not think, I edit dsf like so (though I sometimes test edit dsf data of default actors), so maybe you can test same thing.

    1. load daz default genesis3.duf
    2. save as new duf, and export dbz
    3. import the duf with add on, check the rig rotation value.
    4. it include small 0.000007 etc roattion value as hidden rotation for rig.

    About mesh and about the scene I can not find the extra delta, but with some case, all meshes have same rotation value . compare pic please.


    And I found, only the actor mesh do not show the delta rotation, but all other meshes which attached seems show the same delta rotation value.

    (I now check, after merged rig scene, so if it is already generaetd by each asset rig or not, I do not know)

    Then when I transfer jcm, actor mesh to attached mesh, the problem happen.

    (only clothing item mesh include delta rotation value)

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