Import units for G8M

Issue #236 resolved
Flaviu Decean created an issue

With just a basic g8m, exported simple (no hd), then imported in Blender, merge rigs (but only eyelashes are there).

Import the unit “Eyes closed”. No error message, but the tab with the units is not appearing.

In the console there is only this although the verbosity was set to 5:

--- Pass 1 ---

--- Pass 2 (0 left) ---
Folder "D:/DAZ3D/My DAZ 3D Library\data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base Pose Head" loaded in 0.263 seconds

It’s Blender 2.90.1, the latest version of Diffeo and the latest official Daz version.

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Strange. The - before EyesClosed indicates that loading the morph fails. It doesn’t fail when I load the same morph (there is a * instead)

        File paths cleared
        --- Pass 1 ---
        * EyesClosed
        --- Pass 2 (2 left) ---
        --- Pass 3 (0 left) ---
        Folder "C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library\data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/M
        orphs/DAZ 3D/Base Pose Head" loaded in 0.495 seconds

    Some compound morphs need that their partial morphs (EyesClosedL and EyesClosedR in this case) are also loaded, but EyesClosed is not one of those.

  2. Flaviu Decean reporter

    But for me actually no morph is loading. I tried also to load all units together, still not working. A custom morph where I choose the .duf file, not working. What coud be the cause? How can I debug it myself?

    It’s all without hd and without multires. Should I try it with HD and multires checked?

  3. engetudouiti

    I do not know what is going on,, error.txt are saved where your setting. (path to output erros)

    Then if you import eye closed only, I suppose it need to import close eye L and close eye R at same time,

    at least original eye closed dsf serch those 2 files and change value. so plug in need to serch it too, and set driver I suppose.

    as for me, I only test import full, it worked for me.

    I always use Add Extra Face bone option, so if you do not use it, try it. (it offer more flexible pose for detail)

    ( I remember Thomas use smart way to manage mix controller, about shape key morphs, but maybe you may better test import R and L with check first,,)

    Then about custom morphs, you may need to show how you made custom morphs. (it pose bone , or it is morph (change geometry), or it change other controller value)

    or if it is vendor offered custom morphs, if you adress, someone can check file, with daz offer product document . then some case it help what type morph you tried to import.

    plug in use different logic to import custom morph, for each case. So cutom morph not work , need to know how you make custom morph in daz.

  4. Flaviu Decean reporter

    Finally it is “Add face drivers” checkbox that needs to be checked for face units to work. This makes sense.

    But another custom morph, independent of any other morph, because I had created it, which had nothing to do with face units, also doesn't load unless “Add face drivers” is checked. I really don’t know if this is a bug or if it’s normal behavior. Please handle the issue as you consider best, including closing without any fix - I already have my workarounds.

    Thank you for all your work!

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Add Face Drivers option has been removed. It was a remnant from Genesis and G2 days, when morphs were shapekeys and it made sense to not have drivers. With G3 and G8 the drivers are all there is to a morph, so it makes no sense not to generate them. If you want to load a shapekey morph wiithout drivers, you can always use the Advanced Setup > Morphs > Remove All Shapekey Drivers button later.

  6. Flaviu Decean reporter

    With the latest build all is working fine. (f62244444a3e)

    I’m still not sure what was happening, some misconfiguration on my side was mixing in. I did use hair from genesis applied to g8m, which is fine in Daz, but Diffeo can’t load that. But then I tried to isolate the problem on a basic figure without hair… Whatever, now it works. I learned how to fix that hair issue in the mentime.

    This can be closed as fixed. Thank you.

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