Can you adjust the convert morphs to shape keys operator in the API to accept only vvisemesif a parameter is passed to it

Issue #2363 open
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I'm running it now and it's taking quite a while it appears by looking at the code that it's not going to accept anything …but …well in my case …it was removing the category and the morph set completely …………..I can never get it to accept VISEMES no matter what I did, When I passed it either as the morph set or category parameter I forgot which one….am I using it wrong?. I spent the last couple hours trying to understand your code to see how this works and I finally got it to work but it is taking a long time having to provide all as a parameter which I think it does so internally right when I remove the category and morph set parameters which is what makes it work…...Can you make it so that In the API to where I could just give it a morph category like face, body, or VISEMES then I think that will make it work way better because converting all of them takes a long time and that's going to degrade from the user experience...

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