Can you adjust the convert morphs to shape keys operator in the API to accept only vvisemesif a parameter is passed to it

Issue #2363 open
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I'm running it now and it's taking quite a while it appears by looking at the code that it's not going to accept anything …but …well in my case …it was removing the category and the morph set completely …………..I can never get it to accept VISEMES no matter what I did, When I passed it either as the morph set or category parameter I forgot which one….am I using it wrong?. I spent the last couple hours trying to understand your code to see how this works and I finally got it to work but it is taking a long time having to provide all as a parameter which I think it does so internally right when I remove the category and morph set parameters which is what makes it work…...Can you make it so that In the API to where I could just give it a morph category like face, body, or VISEMES then I think that will make it work way better because converting all of them takes a long time and that's going to degrade from the user experience...

Comments (4)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Ohh I was just checking back in with this I'm working on the code again and I was wondering if by any chance you had a chance to update it…. just to clarify your morph set parameter it always gives that message when you pass only vizims to it ………that vizims is not inside of an empty list ………………in blender when you make that type of error with an E N U M property it always gives you a list of all the items that are available so I just I don't think your code is linked up at least as to what the end user could work with in diffeo a P I.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You can select just the visemes already. The G1 - G8 visemes is a morph type of its own, so you can just select Visemes as the morph type. The G8.1-G9 FACS visemes all start with the letters “VIS”, so you can use that as a filter. I added a new option which shapekeys to delete. The Used shapekeys are those that were nonzero at some point during the conversion process.

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Ohh I was just talking about the API ended up doing a little clever coding and got it to work… But I was basically saying the morph set and category properties it seems like you supply them but no matter what they're always an empty list so if I give it the word visems in the code you know if I set morph set to vizemse then it doesn't appear to do anythin I just wondered how the category and the morph set parameters were supposed to work…

    Quick little note my add-ons gotten pretty epic over 500 operators and just tons of great stuff, I bill it as literally the best way to work with DAZ Studio characters in Blender… (A large part of course is due to your epic software and API) I'm getting ready to make a Kickstarter for it… have an Adobe style interface built and also crowdfund for like 200 epic tools basically converting it even more into the fastest way to output scenes in Blender,…. If you're interested in contributing I'm sure it would give it more of a chance….maybe with 3D animations for advertisement or advertising in your forums…. Publicly lending your support or any other way to help make it work…..

    basically now I could easily output 2 minutes of scenes a day with it we're gonna crowdfund for stuff like one click converting entire youtube tutorials into blender scripts sending your entire scene directly over to unreal engine so you could render it immediately and it would look exactly as in Blender and…Cities, Cars, Crowds…Mouse Wheel Nudge Everything…AI enhanced everything…Even more serious DAZ Studio Integration… Purchasing DAZ assets within the software…AI Animation for Daz…(You would animate them by telling them what to do and what to say) And of course really mastering making DAZ materials look perfect in Blender with A.I. a server render farm integrated into the Interface…and much more….200 more things I have a file with like 5000 lines of upgrades i'll be crowdfunding for and the Adobe interface will wrap around Blender keeping it open source but make it look like it belongs on the creative cloud it’ll be serious and you know as part of it if the Kickstarter's successful I'm going to funnel part of the profits into supporting the Blender development fund and Diffeomorphic…. And trust me it's even way better than this…. Here's the website for my products… And I want you guys to be happy too so if you have any ideas feel free lay em out because if the Kickstarter is successful, again, we can funnel a lot of money into your ideas as well, creating the most epic DAZ to Blender Universe imaginable basically out of what we already have… And because we are the designers of our software.. we know what we would like it to be and hold that vision in our minds so doing this would be extremely easy.


    Let Me Know…. If there's any hesitation at all just please realize I'm very fluid and willing to work with you and toward your goals as well..

    Best Regards!

    Here's a video I made for Blender Market describing my add-on so you get a better idea of the optimizations I made since maybe you've last seen it… e.g. I'm in the process of trying to get it relisted on They wouldn't let me post it there because they said it was too big I actually had to contact the BBB (Don't worry just smoke and mirrors i'm a Christian and I'm never litigious) and then they finally decided to reevaluate it and that's what this video is so you might notice I'm talking to somebody other than you guys here.

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