Add Root poseable bone option (when user hope it, generate with one click)

Issue #238 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I divide import pose file option and this request to clear what I really requested.

Poseable Root bone is mainly useful to user set pose in blender. There is no harm for user, but it may cause some problem for current plug in, then I hope Only when Thomas find time, add it please as user preferable “option” if you can agree concept.

Of course about Rigi-fy conversion rig, there are already Root bone. so it is not matter.

I do not think, it cause issue, even though add on generate new Root bone for all improted daz rig assets, with use object name, but maybe it make things complex for others (or they feel strange about new root bone,)

I may hope Thomas add as one option for finishing. (and it may need after import all morphs or set driver etc I suppose,, though I do not know how adding new root bone, then change full hieralchy rig cause issue, for current tool functions, it need test)

I may use it for improted rig assets when I need (imported buiding assets which come some poseable bone, or some rig props too) for pose easy.

The concept is ,divide location of rig (use rig object transform) and bone pose transform for the rig, by user-side.

(It is Root bone of rigi-fy usage, so we can adjust full rig postion with use Root bone , but keep location (as zero pose position) by use rig object transform value)

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There are now three ways to deal with object transformations: object, master bone and none. The master bone only works with mhx and rigify, which already have such a bone. I’m don’t think the original daz rigs are versatile enough to do serious animation work with anyway.

    I abandoned the idea to bake object transformations with the hip. As Alessandro pointed out, object and hip transformations are different concepts, and it was also difficult to do in practice. Since Daz has no master bone, different concepts are not mixed by adding object transformations to it. It was also easier, since the master does not have a parent to consider.

    The current code seems to work well with both objects and master bones, provided that the other type of transformation is cleared. If you have both object and master transformations at the same time, the result is unpredictable.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas OK , I think it is useful, but if there is no user who may mainly use it, there is no reason.. So I close this .

    About rig-fy I hoped to request, why current status is not so flexible for me. the problem is actually “you cleared another type”

    I may discribe it another topic. (When I import , I do not hope something clear, without I decide it so. because by claering, it means you remove my current location. by object base or pose base. but there is no need to clear one of them. untill user hope it..

    not clear but overwrite or change value one of them. That is what I hoped. I just hope to decide to use import posed file location as scene object transform or animation bone transform. there is no need to clear another value. it seems main concern for me.

    About mix hip + object transform, yes I thought it is bad idea . Why I said you may need it,, I means if you do not add root node, but try same thing “add new option , import object transform as blender pose bone transform” for default rigs, you might need it. (you tried it, but i not expected senario,, ^^;)

    Anyway this topic is not main for me, (for me,, how import pose for rigi-fy is first concern about my requests)

    so I close now. 😉

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