Rigi fy import pose options about rig transform.(not remove one of them)

Issue #240 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

This is only about rigi-fy or converted figure come with root bone which can full transform figure (IK and FK)

Then why I think, current status (options) is not what I expected , because Thomas think about options,

“The current code seems to work well with both objects and master bones, provided that the other type of transformation is cleared. If you have both object and master transformations at the same time, the result is unpredictable.”

I think, there is no need to clear one of them when import pose.. because we know, how each transform value work.

I do not expect, when I import pose file, which may remove one of them untill I plan so.

But offer way to user decide , what purpose you import the pose file of daz (which include rig root transform).

So it change with current user purpose. it never means, hope to choose only A or only B ..

A = object base transform , so it not work with pose mode. you need to change it with object mode only.

B = root rig bone pose transform which decide rig position in the scene.. so when clear or apply value for the root bone, it not change object transform.

so we can use both separately. with user current scene plan.

what I hope do is,,

“use rig object transform as scene start point.” so it need not change untill I hope to change scene

so I can locate my figure in huge room or cave. and decide start postion as object mode. .

at same time, there is case I hope to import the pose included location as root bone transform.. so when I clear pose all with blender, it may clear current pose bone only. = keep scene start point of the Actor.(lke 3F floor of building , or cave entrance etc)

Though I understand, if user use both and mix up option setting, without knowing how it work.

they need to know difference. but if so they may need not use both. the option only need for user who know how it work. even though they did not difference as visuall, if you clear one of them, it make more difficult.

So I only need to use the value and exchange one of them.

as default, use the “daz rig lcoation value” as object transform (it is what we had sceen)

then now I hope to use the “daz rig location value” as root bone transform only.. it not means clear object location ^^;

But it never means, so it is not useful,, then you may need not the option. I need it.. but with keep the original concept.

Actually it is useful,, user only need to know the purpose.. so they can use both with clear mind. Pose Root bone rnasform with rig object transform separately..

Rigi fy have root bone which can manipulate rig position for blender specific pose mode,, and there is file which include transform value for Actor,, (daz pose files),, and we can make pose with our mind,, (make for object transform then change scene start point)

or (make for pose bone transform, then move as bone pose,, ) no need to lmit one of them.. then I request it…

(of course if user do not like to use the option, they need not use it,, I only hope simply exchange it as root bone transform without change object location ^^; it is important for me… I thanks you take care this request,, but if you remove one of them, when I use the options, I can not use it,,,. (it is not what I need.. )

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    And If someone think, “you only need to add empty etc”, yes I know ^^; but why there are laready boen which move full actor as pure pose,

    and it is separated from object transform, we need to add new empty? I import file for blender, then I hope to use the aprication tool. Daz do not need to change mode. then daz do not offer root bone. it is OK, at same time, blender happend to offer pose mode. then can divide rig pose transform and rig object location. So I need to use location value as I like when import pose file.😶

    Only need option (it is my request) is not remove object transform = keep it as same as before,, but convert the pose file rig location value as root bone location (transform value) for blender rigi-fy.. or it do not have meaning I feel.

    At current I need to customize some untill convert current character (there have been many up-date so now I start again for my purpose ,then hope to test with the Actor, So if Thomas already offer way, which can do what I need, as option, forgive me.

    I afraid, if plug in try to reset root bone transform, when import as object tnrasform,

    or if plug in reset object transform, when import as root pose transform. (I really think you need not worry about it,, if I move root bone with pose mode, I know why I move so,, but not move object,, and if I move object,, I know why I use it..

    At same time I do not against, if there is new simple click button which can reset, all pose and transform. actually it maybe useful.

    (I do not like to change mode only for reset object transform.. when tweaking actor pose. when I test with posed file, I really feel,, there should be way to clear object tnrasform with pose too…without change mode. so I may add script button,, when I need.)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    OK thanks Thomas I think, recent version (I miss up-date ^^;) work as I expect!!

    (though did not test transform value, but it not reset object transform or root bone position, I feel. thanks you!! ^^

    when I test after you solve the defult pose and scale issue, about rigi-fy it can not show hip pos + rotation correctly.(mapped for FK torso of rig-fy,, it somehow strange, because if I use only transform it worked correctly, for torso position. but mix use with hip rotation, (not use root transform) , it change location . I may nend to confirm again though… with real recent beta.. Anyway really thanks,, now I can import pose as I like for rigi-fy. ^^ 😃

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