"Make UDIM materials" button always disabled

Issue #247 resolved
Roman Evstifeev created an issue

Plugin version: current master
Bledner version: 2.91 beta

I tried to follow the steps at https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/finishing-section-version-15.html to make UDIM materials, but the button “Make UDIM materials“ always appears disabled
test file: v8genitalia.duf

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Roman, this is not an answer to the issue. But in general to report bugs you should test with the plugin development version, because a number of fixes and new features are there. Also the plugin is mainly tested with the current blender stable release that’s now 2.90.1, because the blender betas are expected to have issues.

    So please test this and your other bug reports with the plugin development version and the blender stable release to see if it works.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Roman, you need to save the file and Save Local Textures first. The reason is that udim textures have a certain naming convention, so the plugin makes copies of the textures with the right names, and you don’t want to litter your Daz directory with those files.

  3. Roman Evstifeev reporter

    Thanks, it hepled
    Would it be more user-friendly to keep the button always enabled, and when user clicks on it, the error message will say “please click “Save Local Textures“ on the Materials tab first”

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