Import pose change current visiblity of objects

Issue #259 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

It seems happen with current my scene collection setting. I sometims move around mesh to another collection etc.

Then my current scene setting is like that, I mix items from another scene, then some items are temporally set Unvisible.

(it is not linked, but simply append, then set collection )

If I import pose with add on, now those hidden items return visible.

I sometimes make un-necessary instance collections, then move around items for those collections, some case only a few items return as visible.. but anyway something seems wrong for up-date process, after import pose file. At current I test with 2.92 with recent plug in , so do not know it version bug or not.

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then it seems only happen when I set viewport visibility as local. (eye icon in outliner)

    if I set viewport visibility global (monitor icon, set for all view layer I suppose) it not change.

    so up-date seems only effect local view visibility after import pose.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should be fixed now, but it is possible to trick it. Objects in excluded collections become visible once the collection is reincluded.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks I may test later.. then do you means,, If I change collectin from A to B (as instance copy or directly move to) become visible if it is hidden ?

    but after I customize appended mesh to the collections, then I hide and un-hide for each assets. then I can confirm in current viewport, those items are hidden…

    after that imported pose.

    But anyway if it is resolved with new commits thanks ^^ i

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