Save Local Textures Greyed Out

Issue #266 resolved
Jason Weise created an issue

Not sure on which commit this started as I hadn’t updated to latest commit for about a week but I have noticed after downloading the latest commit today (9a1d4f2) that the Save Local Textures is Greyed Out.

I use the all the time so I know it had been working perfectly.

I tried selecting every single item in the scenes panel on a baisc character import and nothing seemed to open up this button to be pressed.

Is this a bug or has functionality slightly changed in recent commits.

Thanks in advance.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Weise reporter

    Very odd, we can diregard this for now.

    I removed the plugin, closed and reopened Blender and resinstalled and then it worked again 😕

    For anyone’s reference, before that I just “removed” the old plugin through Blender Preferences and immediately installed the new one… maybe something on Blender went awry.

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