One more tweak bone "HipsTwk" please, (for MHX tweak )

Issue #270 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I do not know if you happend to forget it, or you offer as HipL and HipRtwk (it is socket bones which you offered)

then you think you might need not ,,

But as my experinece (so I really often tweak hip with pose,, to adjust well,,

Independent hip tweak bones, actually useful when adjust shape..

HipL and HipR work as socket, so it move all legs rig,, but HipsTwk can only move hip and gen or grafted bones when it attached,

so you can adjust individually.. (imagine only hip move transform up down, but knee or leg keep same position,)

Then to do it,, I need this pic hieralchy.

actually I really often use this twk bone with pelvis twk bone (which I requested to remain for rigi- fy) then if it not bother you I hope you add the HipsTwk with other L. and R.

HipsTwk.L and R not child of HIpsTwk. but child of Hips. (though it is may way)

then merit is,, you can keep legs position but transform (adjust well) around hip only. so it work well with mix use R and L socket

I t is small thing but I hope if you will consider, (I believe once you add it, you like the hip bones, and it work well with TwkL and R socket (they move separately as twk)

But genitals or merged rig need to set parent for HipsTwk bones. (it is my thinking,, when I play with tweak bones)

Comments (2)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    And yes if you add it, you need to adjust custom shape,, sorry I do not know how I can do as auto mate,, maybe as you said,, locate in tips is OK for me. (I know how it work)

    and just confrim,, hipsTwk need not any constrain and limit loc (without user choose it) but basically need not.

    then hips need to keep all constrain as same as before.

    I suppose then now it work as I epxeted. (though I may need to test when IK FK covnersion cause issue etc,, ) 🤔

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