G3 IK influence value change toe bones twist 360, then set to current position.

Issue #272 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I think it may only happen when I do not merge toes (to remove unique daz toe driver problem) untill convert and all bones posable for full foot toe posing.

You may not see it untill user use the IK influence value to get interporate animation , (usually we set it as 0 to 1 and set key) but there is case to use the “IK influence value” then get animation gradually pose change from FK pose to IK pose.

I do not know if there is way you can solve issue, but I hope if you can solve it without “merge foot toe” ( I really hope to keep all toe bone posing) those 3 pic may show how it cause issue.

now I set IK influence 0 for Left leg. so pose with current FK bone position.

I gradually change pose from current FK pose to IK rig postion with use influence value then set keys, then influence = 0.2

as you see gradually toe bone start rotate un-expected way. then with 0.5 value,

(so now toe seems rotate almost 180 I suppose), then toes keep rotate and when influence value as 1.0 it rotate 360, so usually I cound not find issue.

I remember you kindly took time to customize MHX foot rigs for daz toe and metalsals driver (but not merge toe) , then it was not easy process.. but hope if there is way to solve this issue… (and I know the best way is merge toes to work IK stable, but still hope to keep toes without merging,, )

Comments (5)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then if I try same thing with new Rigi-fy, it do not cause this issue.. I could see, rigi-fy try to keep foot pose (include toe) without change when IK to FK (or FK to IK) interporation.

    (I know those 2 IK rigs offer individual structure to get foot IK pose, (reverse toe etc), then do not know if you can do same thing for MHX, without add complex constrain,, but hope you see how rigi-fy work around foot toe,, then if it work for MHX too, I hope you change strcuture, only about foot toe rig)

    (then I do not know it happen for G8, I remember G8 change foot toe rig , so it may only happen for G3 MHX conversion 😢

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. The IK foot rig was very thorny, with several ik constraints to control the deform bone rotation, and evidently it didn’t work in all cases. The new rig is much simpler and seems to work better.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    I see, I actually try to edit with use constrains etc,, and check again daz strange driver for toe rotation etc ^^;

    then tried to re-create it with blender,, but to work your reverse bone, I understand I can not use many driver etc.

    and may need to connect daz bone to make it stable..

    Then almost give up . If your new version work well really apreciate… thanks. after confrim close this issue.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes new version actually becom very stable,, I feel 😂 thanks much!!

    I say again, it perfect.. though I did not report it,, but I sometimes really worry to change IK <> FK and FK <> IK, with some condition.

    because it sometimes not keep current pose.. (I suppose it caused by rev or IK bones posing etc)

    Now I can see almost no move with mix use all foot IK bones… It becom really stable…

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