Import morphs which drive edit-bone (bone transform for rest pose) (experimental suggestion)

Issue #277 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Blender can not drive edit-bone with property. = we can not import any daz PBM which drive bone location, rotation for rest pose.

I think we can not solve issue perfectly untill blender offer new driver which drive edit-bone.

But I suppose we can think a few idea to improve this issue. I have some idea (eg swap rig when user hope it)

As start point,, ignore those bone trasnform, but import other shape morphs when import morph.

at current plug in simply ignore those PBM or FBM, when it change edit-bone transform values. (not bone pose transform)

There are a few exceptional case.. usually pose controller not include edit-bone transform, just move pose bone transform.

but daz can make driver free, so some pose controller may try to adjust edit-bone transform with new JCM + add bone pose. it may show un-expected shape when posing.. so user may need to remove those pose controller, when they find strange issue. (because, vendor make pose with use edit-bone new pivot and axis angle, but in blender, those delta not be imported, so it not show deform correctly but add shape morph)

So my request is,, when we import custom morphs, if it move edit-bone, simply ignore those value, but sitll import morph and generate driver, with morph delta (change as shape key). then set driver.

that means,, when we use those morph . or morph controll morph,, it show same visuall, untill we pose related bone.

but when pose, it not work perfectly. but at least we can see it deform.

eg even though we import nipple morph, which include edt-boen transform for pectoral. ,, we may not see so strange issue, untill we really hard move pectoral bones. basically we can still pose, without many problem.. (only difference are now bone not fit perfectly with current shape, so when pose pectoral, with use the nipple morph, it may show different deform with assigned weight-map)

Actually we see almost same issue, when we import base JCMs, those JCM are desigend for non morphed base shape.. then it can reduce pose ugry deform,, but after all, if your character hard morphed in daz studio,, those JCM can not fit perfectly for current character.

Though if user import head morph which drastically change shape at same time need change rig transform (edit-bone), when you pose (like eye close etc), it show really ugry effect ^^; but we can get new choice. (we need to think carefully we really hope to import the PBM even though it break when posing),,

Comments (5)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    This is practical case.. I made morph before,, which can set breast positon and use ERC freeze, then the file can adjust breast position as shape morph, at same time drive edit-bone location too…

    But if I import the dsf, add on deny it.. so I make another version without erc (so deform but not adjust rig )

    Then it work most of case,, but when I bend spine hardly, it may not show same shape as daz studio,

    but to be frankly said,, I can not see so hard difference untill I remember,,it not adjust rig,,,I may do not care,,I often forget,, I set some value for this morph. then still posing..

    So most of case it is useful still (to adjust easy breast position when I need it,,)

    There are actually many PBM which may adjust rest-bone,, with ERC, so some of them can work well even though it not show perfect same pose deform… (we can use it with limit carefully)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    So to achive it without user happend to import many-unusable morphs,

    when pass those controller,, plug in may show some mark (so user can see, it is denied to import because it include edit-bone trnasform) first.

    Then add one more option to import cutom morphs (ignore bone transform), so user can select them. (if they think it work for their purpose even though they pose)

    I hope to import many flex G3 vendor morphs case by case (most of them try to drive edit-bone to best fit for posed rigs even though it only include really small delta ^^; vendor anyway use ERC freeze first, I believe. ) if plug in for-give me to ignore those bone transform..

    (of course I need to transfer those morph for underwear costumes , but it not matter,,)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    eg when we import custom morphs,, add on may need to check all dsf (which selected) after all.

    Then print some Mark with dsf files in console…

    (M = include shape morph value in dsf)

    (B= include delta bone transform value in dsf)

    (P = include delta pose transform value in dsf)

    (C = include delta value which drive other morph(controller) dsf value )

    So user may see,, marked as MB can be usable, but when pose it may not work perfectly same as daz,,

    C is actually difficullt to understand which file related with, but at least we can confrim to import C we need to import related morph.

    But as my request,, anyway we can find MB type morphs, when import ,, then get option to import those MB morph without problem. when user hope to use it,,without check those dsf or daz parameter hieralhcy,, guess work)

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