Bone alignment issue when importing DazDog8 for pawns

Issue #278 resolved
Noname created an issue

When importing DazDog8 toe (and claws) bones go through “floor” but they should touch it.

To reproduce:

  • open Daz
  • import DazDog8 with option Unmorphed didn’t tested DBZ

Best regards

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The problem is that the toes and feet are posed DS. However, so far I haven’t been able to find the pose in the duf and dsf files, although clearly they must be there somewhere. The problem manifests itself differently in dbz: the rotation limits are off.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Dbz import should work now. The limit constraints are shifted to reflect the changed rest pose.

    I still haven’t figured out where the unmorphed rotations come from. The rig has IK goals, which become empties in Blender but are otherwise ignored. The rotation of the empties are close to the missing bone rotations, so perhaps that’s a hint.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Unless I miss something.

    In my opinion this is not a bug and should not be fixed. I mean, the rest pose of dog 8 goes through the floor and so it is imported correctly by the unmorphed option. As for importing daz ik chains, this is not supported by the plugin.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    As for where the pose comes from, it seems included in the dog8 figure itself. Now should the plugin import a posed character with the unmorphed option ? In my opinion no because the unmorphed option is supposed to load the rest pose.

    Again unless I miss something. I’m not a rig expert at all.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    The pose itself is stored in the dev load file. Not sure if these files get loaded by default with the figure and/or how this is defined.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Unmorphed import should import the pose, if it is stored in the duf file or the underlying dsf file. However, in this case it is apparently stored in something else, a dev load file which I have never encountered before. Characters, and the dog is a character, should be imported with the dbz option, so I don’t think this is a problem

    However, the dbz problem is different. If the character has a non-trivial rest pose baked to it, the limit constraints have to be changed accordingly. I think the last commits do that.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you for the explanation. I’m clearly out of my domain here. Personally I don’t import limits because I find they are “stiff” in animation, so I rely on ik prebending to avoid flipping.

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