Missing or buggy Standard JCM morph in Armpit (G8M)?

Issue #293 resolved
Jochen Sutter created an issue


I’m working at my first G8M figure to import into Blender with DAZimporter (V1.5.1). So far it works fine. But I have an issue with the armpits. I think maybe this JCM (Collar) is not loaded with the Standard JCM or it’s buggy? Look at the both pictures. One in DAZ the other in Blender imported. Can I maybe load this JCM with Custom JCMs? Where can I finde this JCMs in the DAZ Directory?

this is in DAZ

And this in Blender

Comments (12)

  1. Xin

    Be sure to read the documentation here: https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/morphs-section-version-15.html

    You can get the JCM name from inside daz in the parameters tab (make sure to check Show Hidden in the properties in the parameters pane Option Menu). Then pose the character so the JCM is active and remember the name of the JCMs that are non-zero in the parameters tab.

    Then import the figure into Blender and import the standard JCMs. Check if the name of the JCM you found in daz appears in the Shape Keys panel in Blender. If it doesn’t, then it wasn’t loaded because it wasn’t a standard JCM, so you need to import it manually like the link above explains (“Import Custom JCMs” section). The “Import Custom JCMs” button will open the file selection dialogue at the parent directory where the JCM is most likely located, just browse further and make sure to select all the files that have JCM in their name. You only need the file which usually has the same name as the JCM you want, but it’s good practice to import all custom JCMs too.

    If that doesn’t solve the problem, you need to give more details, like the name of the figure (just upload a simplified duf file).

  2. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you for your answer. Do you mean this panel? I can see all the JCMs here, but not the value of them or wich one is active (there is no difference if posed or not posed). I’m not sure what you mean with “(make sure to check Show Hidden in the properties in the parameters pane Option Menu)“

    How can I upload a file here?

  3. engetudouiti

    r-click parameter tab, then you see option menu of parameter tab.

    select >preferences>show hidden parameter.

    why it need, usually ds hide parameter which user not directly change value. so most of jcms are basically hidden. after active the option, select “Currently used” in paramete sections. then you can see many hidden jcm mcms change value with posing.

    like this pic.

    Then I recommend to check those properties , you set it as edit mode. r-click parameter tab, then activate “Edit mode” now you can see each parameter get new sign like M or P

    usually M means it include morph (move verts), so user can guess each prop do what. (only move bone, or actually it move verts)

    What I show in pic, after you set “show hidden properties” with “Edit mode”, then select “currently used”, you can select each parameter, then r-click. and “select morph vertices”

    why it is useful, now you can see which verts changed with your currently select properties. I select one of r-collar pjcms, then check it atcually effect the verts which you need to modify.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Also be aware that HD jcms are not supported, since the blender multires doesn’t support HD morphs. The HD shape is supported with the HD exporter, but it doesn’t include HD jcms.

  5. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you very much. That helped me very much. I figured out I need to import the specific character JCMs and now the armpit works correct 🙂

    Another issue is. How can I import custom flexions. I have xenic101 muscle flexions. When I import them as custom JCMs it has no effect. Also I could not import the zev0 skin folds. Is it possible to import this muscle flexions and skin folds?

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sigh. Did it have to be custom flexions? Yes, of course it had to.

    I thought the Load Custom JCMs button should work, but I tried to load one of the base flexions with it, and it failed. It turned out that Load Custom JCMs and Load Flexions differed in one parameter, so I created a new button called Load Custom Flexions, and now I can load the base flexions. Perhaps it is unnecessary to have a separate button, and instead change Load Custom JCMs, but for now the new button is the solution.

  7. Xin

    Jochen I would recommend you to use the latest version directly by going to Downloads on the left. Once you install it, further updates can be installed from within Blender by going to the addon settings in preferences:

    Press “Check now for import_daz update” and then “Install latest master” if a feature you need was added.

  8. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you. I updated this way.

    It works to import the Skin-Folds this way, but because they are HD they work not well. As Alessandro Padovani wrote. It seems HD JCMs don’t work.

    The xenic101 muscle flexions don’t appear in the shape keys after importing with the new “import custom Flexions”. But this is not so important for me at the moment. My first figure is ready so far. It’s HD with body hair and the morphs I need. I’m happy 🙂

    One question about the hair was: I made different hair parts in DAZ (beard, arms, chest, legs). After importing to Blender I have this parts again, but I need to join them to one part to “make hair” because “make hair” deletes already existing hair particular systems on the body, so I can’t make them separately successively. Interestingly “make hair” makes then many different hair particular systems again on the body. It mixes and split the hair parts quite randomly together (fortunately the beard was always in its own particular system). This was a bit difficult to handle because I can not configure so easy the the different hair parts and I could not figure out a logic how it splits the hair in different particular systems (exept the beard, it was always in his own system). But in the end I got there satisfactorily.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    Jochen, you can uncheck “remove particle hair” to keep the existing hair and add to them. Also I’d recommend to use the “resize hair” option to get one particle system from the selected hair guides. Then you can also split the hair guides as you like in blender edit mode to get control of the particle systems.

    1. import the hair
    2. split the hair as you like to later control the parts
    3. for every part, make hair with the “keep particles” and “resize hair” options

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