Auto generate necessary drv bones for default figure.

Issue #298 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

After merge-rigs, and add extra face bones , add on not generate only about drv eyelids bones but all other facial bones have drv bones already.

Then I will import facial morphs. after that I need to use “all bone posable” I understand it. I understand why it happen, About G3 , (or maybe G8) some bones have already driver.

then plug in only generate those drv link, for those bones (pectoral, eyelids, or foot fingers etc) , but not generate posable bones. when we import daz cahracter.

What I feel is,, even though we may not import any morphs, those bones need drv bone and posable bone as default. so user can easy test and import morphs, pose controller, later without use all bones posable.

I think all bones posable may only need to use it when user import “morphs” or “pose controller” which need to add new drv bones. But those bones which already have driver without import morphs, I feel. plug in may better to generate drv bones, and child bones. without use any function. (actually current status is somehow complex to know when user use “all bones posable”

I know, it need to serch only about bones which have new driver then it change which pose controller user may import etc, but about pectoral, or eyelids, you already set driver as same as daz but not offer way to manuall posing. untill we use all bones posable.

then we need to use if after import all morphs , pose controller which we may use it, or can I use all bones posable, again and again everytime we import new pose controller, or custom pose controller, etc?

basically, I hope you may add posable bones as default for those daz default driver bones.

I do not think, there will be user who not hope pose eyelids manually (for me pectoral too). because even though you use face units etc, eyelids easy cause issue with your character morphs. so it often be used. If there is user who many not hope to add auto posable bone about eyelids, or pectoral, I think it may better to offer option for those user.(if you think it is really improtant)

I suspect most of user may not complain even though you auto generate those posable bone, only about default driven bones. because daz offer so as default without any morphs or pose cotnroller, it is default driver for each generation figure. then they can pose individually . (actually it is more important. than auto add driver I feel)

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then if I can see new option to import rig, import rig without any driver. so user can pose all bones as same as daz but some auto bone transform by other bonesr not work. yes I know it is not so convirinet, but user can pose all bones without any step. then the rig only show pure pose bones without any driver.

    Current import rig anyway set bone with bone transform driver (as same as daz) but at same time it not offer posable bone. as default. Then if it add driver auto, I think it may better auto add posable bones only about those default bone with bone drivers.

    I may hope to see, those 2 options

    1 import pure rig (without any driver , constrain) (for use who hope to get clean rig)

    2. import rig with driver for “ bone move by other bone” with posable bone

    your offered default import rig options is add driver without free posable bone for daz default bone drivers. (eyelids and eye, pectoral and collar, foot toes and other bone) then I think if you can change it .

    the good thing is 1 or 2 is actually show, clean rig and daz base rig function, when we not import any morphs (or hide those dsf)

    after that we may import mophs (pose controller) only which we may need, then use “all bones posable”

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    And if I can use “All bones posalbe” whenever I need, I think this problem is really minner for me.

    Why I ask this, you told me , I need to use “all bones posable” after import all morphs (pose controllers) . If you means, I can use it anytime I need. But when I import new pose controller, I must need to use it again, it seems OK. 😛

    I do not know, even though I use the all bones posable, many times, rig drivers may work without any problem. So everytime I improt character, I need to consider carefully.

    but at least about default bones (like eyelids or pectoral , small toes) I should hope to move them “manually” . There seems no exceptional case, I do not need free move those bones.

    At same time, I think when user import pose controller, they must hope to get new posable bone.s , actually I think when add new driver, plug in auto add new posable bone as default, it may things more easy I suppose… then you can set driver only for may need not add driver for non drv bones.

    I do not think, there is user who really hope not add new child bones. if they hope so, they may not understand blender restrict driven bones to pose free, then after all they may ask “how can I pose bones? it seems not move,any more,, but I can use pose controller only”) I suppose.

    make drv = add new posable bones at same time, then only add driver for drv labelled bone.. I think you can use it as theory.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    “Make all bones posable” still not clear for me, (basically I understand, after finish “import all pose controller morphs”, I need to use this option to get posable bone and drv-bone, but at least if I keep the rule, (not try different things), I understand it work without problem, then I close this request.

    (though for test some new things, I still hope to see, eyelids drv and pectroral drv bone + free move bone as default, untill import any other body morphs.

    I understand make all bones posable effect rig hieralchy,, Then I hope to use it after I import all pose controller morphs (body) … then untill import those morph, I do not hope to use it, only for pectroal, and eyelids bone move. (at current I must need to use it ,to move those bone individually even though I do not import any body controller morphs still)

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